{Chapter Three: The Swimming Pool}

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||TW. Panic attack, slight desc. of corpse.||

Robin woke up to the sound of the radio. She realized she had fallen asleep and slept throughout the entire evening and the entire night. She then remembered everything.


After Nancy fell asleep, Robin went to her room and placed her bag in a corner next to her bed. Then she sat on her bed, trying to figure out something to do while Nancy was sleeping. She ended up picking up a notebook and some colored pencils and started doodling random things. She first drew a cat with a bowtie, a sunset, and then she drew steve wearing a pink tuxedo.
Then she drew Nancy's profile. And then her face over and over again. Nancy was so easy to draw off from memory to Robin that she drew her for at least three pages.

Robin admired Nancy's jawline, soft but defined, and her eyes blue like the skyline. Her face was so easy to remember that she would never forget it.

She continued drawing until she needed to go to the bathroom. She got up and left, leaving the notebook open.

For her shake, a recently woken up Nancy was peeking on it as she came back to it.

"Nancy!" She howled as she saw the journalist with the notebook on her hands. "You're awake?! Since when?!"

"I woke up only three minutes ago. Robin, these are amazing..." Nancy mumbled while looking at the notebook. "You didn't tell me you were an artist."

"Huh? I'm not. I just draw things that I find funny or pretty, but just occasionally."

"I think you should draw more." Nancy stopped passing the pages and closed the notebook. "I really like your sketchbook."

"Thanks, really. I appreciate that." Robin took the sketchbook and placed it in one of the shelves. "How are you so awake?"

"I don't know. I usually need like two coffees, but not today, I guess." She shrugged. "Thanks for letting me sleep, really. I needed it."

"My home is also yours, Nance. Whatever you need." Robin smiled and yawned. "I'm always sleeping so..."

Nancy smiled at her. "Why don't you take some rest? You've worked since 10 today."

"Actually, I got there an hour early so I could prepare shit Steve didn't so..." Robin mumbled. "But I'm fine!"

"Whatever. Take some rest while I prepare dinner." Nancy forced Robin to sit on her bed, struggling as she was taller than her.

"But you're my guest..." Robin stated again.

"A guest who has been sleeping on your couch for more than hours." Nancy headed out of the room. "Rest a bit, and I'll take care of dinner."

Robin flopped on her bed, head burrowed in her pillow. She couldn't help but feel bad for leaving Nancy with dinner, but she was really tired. She ended up falling asleep deeply in a couple of minutes.


Robin got up, looking around her room, trying to get her eyes to stop being blurry. She then saw that Nancy's bed was undone, but she wasn't there. Robin walked out of her room. Nancy wasn't in the living room either. Robin then headed to the kitchen.

The kitchen had white walls and light blue cabinets. It also had a small, light brown table with four chairs. She found Nancy sitting in one of them, reading the newspaper and drinking what seemed a cup of coffee. She looked perfect. She was wearing a long t-shirt that acted like a dress, probably her pajamas, and she wasn't wearing any makeup. Nancy didn't notice her.

"Morning, Nance." Robin yawned, entering the room.

Nancy put the newspaper down and finally saw Robin. "Good morning!"

《𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬》Where stories live. Discover now