Z-O-M-B-I-E-S ( 1,2, and 3)

44 1 0

Name: Daisy
Nickname: D,DD, Dee, Dasi
Age: Depends on the rp
Gender: Female
Species: Half human half vampire
Sexuality: Pansexual

Outfit: A black shirt, black jacket demi pants, white sneakers, black sunglasses Occupation: Unknown Alignment: Good/Neutral Status: Alive Skills: Hand to hand combat, training, bat powers, vampire powers, Magic,ect Weapon: Knife Powers: Vampire p...

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Outfit: A black shirt, black jacket demi pants, white sneakers, black sunglasses
Occupation: Unknown
Alignment: Good/Neutral
Status: Alive
Skills: Hand to hand combat, training, bat powers, vampire powers, Magic,ect
Weapon: Knife
Powers: Vampire powers, can turn into a bat form, float, ect.
Likes:  Her friends, darkness, being in the shadows, jokes sometimes, red color ( not blood she doesn't like it), flying, mentation, quit and calm places, magic, sweets, spider webs
Dislikes: Sliver stakes, garlic, hot weather, bullies , traitors, people that hate vampires, being captured, getting hurt, seeing her close friends hurt, letting her friends down
Crush: Depends on the rp or open
Personality: She's very slient, but is polite and show respect to others, can be very scary when mad especially when vampires get very violent, has humor sometimes, serious, distance, can be slightly blunt, friendly, chaotic ( good)
Family: Her mom and brother
Other: Is stronger

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