"Little lost (Y/N)"

Start from the beginning

"Around 15 minutes ago."

An annoying blurry beeping filled (Y/N)'s ears

Where is she? She can barely feel her body, it almost feels like she's floating in a void.

What happened? Why is she here? And... Where is 'here'?...

She tries to open her eyes, and when she does all she sees are a lot of blinding blurry lights around, this is not her home...

She sits up slowly, her whole body wobbly and weak, her sleepy gaze scanning the room but she can't recognize where she is... Everything is so blurry and shaky, it almost look like the whole room is melting.

Her drowsy mind had only one objective, go home. She can't understand why but the need to get out of here was way to strong and urgent to argue with.

Slowly she starts to get out of bed but a small tug stops her arm, she looks back and can barely make up what is stopping her. With a little tug she finally frees herself and manages to stand up correctly but due to the painkillers she doesn't even feel the pain or notice the bits of blood now going down her arm...

She then exits the room and starts walking into an unknown direction, her legs shaky. Not a big deal though, she can just lean on the wall and keep going, easy.

But then, she faces her first and most difficult obstacle... The staircase.

She tilts her head one side then another, as if trying to figure out how this thing works. For her each step was moving, sliding left and right, it was almost impossible to see where to step first!

However, it seems like the universe was kind enough to send someone to help her!

—"What in heaven's are you doing here?"—

A sudden voice resonated behind (Y/N) but she didn't even react, her mind perceiving the noise as a bunch of blurry gibberish in the background.

Loomis furrows his brows and comes closer, putting his hand on her shoulder and turning her around. That's when he noticed her state, which significantly surprised him.

—"(Y/N)?... Can you hear me?"— he says as he moves his hand in front of your face.

No answer, (Y/N) could barely make up any of his words or even the face of this person, she simply turns back around and continues her mission of figuring out how to go down.

That's when it hits Loomis, realizing the situation they're in. Logan clearly failed finding her, (Y/N) is awake but not completely here, and it's the matter of time that the hospital returns to it's usual pace, which will result in Logan's capture and (Y/N)'s discovery, sending their little plan to failure...

A dark gleam sparked in doctor's eyes as he gently takes (Y/N) by the arm to guide her.

—"Come on (Y/N), this way..."—

At first (Y/N) refuses to move, but when realized that he's helping her go through the stairs she instantly cooperates and follows the lead... Being totally unaware that instead of going down, they're going up.

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now