He arched me back more and trailed down my stomach, fully biting me the lower he became. It didn't hurt, but it was odd and really unsexy. 'Have you secretly become a cannibal over the years?'

'No one has ever been able to fill me as you have, little omega,' he answered after letting the stretchy skin of my belly fall out of his mouth. 'You left me with a constant hunger.'

Let last bit he growled against my skin, causing me to shiver. I moved from his lap, standing before him. It surprised me that he let me complete the action since he was holding onto me so tightly. 'I find that hard to believe. You have a very beautiful woman on your arm,' I teased, reaching out to caress his face.

The prickly hairs of his chin bit into the softness of my palm. My other hand joined as they moved to the buttons of his shirt. Not as slowly as he did mine, I opened his shirt and left it apart in the middle. Good god. My mouth watered. How could someone be in better shape. He was bigger and much leaner than before.

His pecs contracted as I ran my fingertips over them lightly. He had such muscle connection. The lower my fingers trailed; each group of muscles contracted. I was fascinated by this. I did have the mind-muscle connection with my chest. It looked like shit. I chuckled causing those green eyes to move from my hand to my face.

'What's funny?' He took my hand from his lower abdominals and brought it to his lips to kiss while he shifted his position to something more leisurely in the armchair.

'Nothing,' I said, blushing slightly. Was I going to admit that I wanted to get his workout technique in the middle of pre-sex? No..

He bit my fingertips, gently. 'Fine.. I liked your body's ripple.. Er.. the amount of muscle control you have..'

He moved to sucking on the tips of my ring and middle fingers as his eyes glowed. Demon hypnotic powers at work, little voice quipped. And I nearly lost it. He wouldn't let me pull my occupied hand away from his mouth, so I used my other one to cover my mouth to hide. He really reminded me of before, trying to seduce me with that look. I mean it worked. I was stupid to let it, but I see Moonie in him. She definitely inherited that from him.

He smiled around my fingers before letting them go. 'You really find me amusing.'

Lucian didn't sound upset as he stood. I forgot how tall he was in comparison to me. As I craned my neck back to keep my eyes on him, it felt like he had gotten even taller. 'Not re--'

He didn't give me time to respond, when he surprised the hell out of me by picking me up, bridal style to carry me into the bedroom.

The lights were off in the room while he gently deposited me on the bed. He did leave to go to the bathroom to turn on the light in there, leaving the door cracked. I was able to see some of the room's contents. It was sparsely furnished like the living room, but the poster of Dark Hatter, an Aussie punk band was still on the wall. It was there when I moved in, so I thought it was fitting to leave it.

Lucian's shadow moved over me, the light behind him blocked out his features. The light captured his sandy hair, giving him an illusion of a halo. 'Cast out from heaven,' I muttered and moved to the center of the bed.

That was the wrong thing to do. He grasped my ankle and pulled me to the edge of the bed while he lowered himself to a kneeling position on the edge between my legs. 'Lay back.'

I propped myself up on my elbows to look down at him. Apparently, that wasn't enough. 'All the way.'

In a childish manner, I plopped back with a 'humph,' and asked, 'Better, alpha?'

His actions stilled as he pulled in a shakey breath. Lucian grasped my hips, squeezing, then trailed his fingers across the waist band of my slacks to stop at the button. Quickly, he made short work of it and the zipper, pulling them and my underwear off in one motion. My erection hit my stomach with a smack, the sensitive tip leaking a bit of liquid. I reached down to move my dick to the side to wipe it away, but he stopped me, grabbing both hands and holding them captive at my sides.

Tilting my head up, I catch the shine of his teeth as he smiles at my left knee. The glint in his eyes turned sinister as he leaned forward, casting a deeper shadow over his face. He placed a kiss on the inside if my thigh just above the left knee, moving up slowly just to stop and move back o the other, repeating the process. Closer to my center, his bites and sucks became more intense, increasing in pressure. Chill bumps ran across my skin while I pulled against his grip. I wanted to touch him.. run my hands over his body.. lead him where I wanted his mouth to go, but he tightened his hold and deepened the intensity of his bites the closer he moved to my pulsating erection.

My hips wiggled upward on their own accord, and wetness spilled over. I opened my legs wider, then lifted the right leg to rest it over his shoulder. Eventually his tongue made contact with my taint causing me to squirm, moving lower. The mixture of his warm tongue, slowly lapping up the cool wetness around the tight ring of muscle, made me shutter.

He barely even touched me.. and my body was completely acting a fool.

'Look at this,' he said after he pulled back, rubbing his slick covered face against my thigh. I shivered, eyes closed, and bit my bottom lip to keep from letting out my heavy breath out. 'You are still the greedy, every hungry omega. Do you still eat well, little omega?'

I could hear the hunger underneath the laughter in his tone. He was just as shaken as well, but he was unraveling much slower.

Taking in a deep breath, trying to mask my panting, I questioned, 'Could you just fu--'

Two fingers entered me without warning, and I arched off the bed, tilting my hips downward, and tightened my inner muscles, while squeezing my legs around his shoulders. Those fingers moved skillfully inside me, twisting and scissoring while searching for that itchy place deep inside.

'Still as hungry as I remember.' I heard Lucian murmur. He pushed between my legs as he adjusted his position. I moaned into the sheets arching myself upward in search of some friction for my dick.

'Plaahh-eeezz,' I breathed with eyes closed, moaning over and over as he continued to find what he was looking for. A dark chuckle sounded over me as he hooked his fingers to the right and pressed. My whole ass lifted from the bed with a pleasurable jolt. Stars shot behind my tightly closed eyes as I wiggled, clamping down hard around his fingers.

'Looks like I found it,' he breathed, increasing the speed of his assault.

My body jerked and tightened around him not willing to let him go. Again, he chuckled. He moved faster and faster constantly hit that spot over and over. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to roll to my side.

'No.. No.. little omega,' he cooed with mock-concern in his voice. 'You have to stay just.. like.. this..'

I screamed out, feeling the familiar tightening in my balls and came in hard spurts, some making it on my chin.

Peppermint OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now