"Oh, wow." she murmurs under her breath, admiring them with widened eyes. "They're gorgeous. Thank you, Susannah."

"My mom gave me these pearls for my sweet sixteen." Susannah explains to Belly as she helps her put them on. The group stares at Belly with the pearls. "Radiant, isn't she?"

"Oh, I'm next." Jeremiah quickly hands Belly his smaller box, grinning ear-to-ear. "Here."

"Thank you." Belly laughs as she opens the box, revealing a small charm.

"It's a good-luck charm to help you pass your driving test." Jeremiah tells her as she puts it on her bracelet, smiling as she does so.

"Perfect." she holds her arm up with a grin. "Thank you."

"Here, Princess." Nate hands her the box he's been holding. "It's a joint gift from me and Carlee."

Belly tears the box open, revealing a new pair of Converse. She raises her brows, beaming at the shoes as her eyes flicker back and forth between them and the siblings. "Wow. Oh... thank you so much, guys."

"No problem." they say in unison.

"Think fast, Belly." shouts Steven, tossing a poorly wrapped item at Belly's head.

"What?" groans a muffled Belly as the item hits her in the face. She unwraps it as Laurel sends Steven a warning look. Inside is a Princeton sweatshirt, and she raises her brows at him, impressed. "Wow, Steven, I can't believe you actually spent money on me."

"Relax." laughs Steven, shaking his head. "I just didn't want you stealing mine next year when I get in."

Laurel looks at him, confused. "I didn't know you were still considering Princeton."

"You know, I-I think I'm gonna apply for some scholarships, and Dad thinks I can get some financial aid." he watches her expression closely. "I-I don't know. I'll see if I get in."

"Conrad, uh, do you want to give Belly your present?" Susannah leans towards her oldest son, who has been sitting silently in his chair, his head pointed downwards.

"Sorry, I forgot." he shrugs, as if it's no big deal. Carlee looks at Nate, who frowns at his older friend. It's not like Conrad to forget such an important event.

Belly looks hurt, and Nate doesn't blame her for feeling so, but she just shakes her head and smiles. It's more forced than the smile she gave to Laurel before.

"Uh, that's... that's cool. Um..." she rambles, and Carlee mutters a curse against Conrad under her breath. "I wasn't really expecting anything anyway, so..."

Conrad gets up. "Oh, so I got to go. Um, I promised Cleveland that I'd show him some knots today, so..." he stops in the doorway, looking back for a second. "Happy birthday, Belly." he leaves.

Jeremiah immediately notices Belly's hurt expression and smiles at her. "Hey. Why don't we take my car and practice driving before we have to pick up Taylor
from the bus station. Nate, you coming with?"

"Sure." shrugs Nate, standing up. "Let's hit the roads, Belly."


Belly is a shaky driver. Nate is practically clutching the back of Jeremiah's seat as she swerves around on the road, chuckling weakly as she does so.

"Okay, slow and steady." Jeremiah advises, watching her with a smile. "You're doing great."

"Define great," says Nate between gritted teeth.

"Just keep going straight, okay?" Jeremiah commands, and she nods. "You excited to see Taylor?" there's a twist in Nate's stomach at the mention of Taylor.

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