"Chad, Mindy, Hannah back me up." Tara said tiredly but still angrily. "It is a little bit.." chad started. "Close to home." Mindy and I finished. "Look at it this way tara." I said sternly to the girl. "Two dudes OBSESSED with ghostface with a mini shrine and a voice box and the whole cake. They both get brutally murdered by some random guy  doesn't that sound like.. you know.." I say looking at Tara with a sorry look and a shrug.

"See?" Sam said turning toward Tara. Tara looked at a lost for words but quickly turned around. "Quinn, your dad's a cop, right? Can you call him and find out what's going on?" Tara said whipping around to look at Sam. "Before you make the unilateral decision to abandon my college education and flee the fucking state!" Tara spat these words at Sam and Sam could only look away. "I'm calling him now. Quinn said quietly. "Thank you." Tara said with a note of finality.

Taras phone started to ring. The eight of us, minus Anika, Quinn and Ethan jumped. The thought of ghostface returning made us think this could be the call. Tara stood there and her breath shook. I walk over and picked up the phone. "Who is it?" Tara and Sam asked. It was gale weathers. I liked gale as a person when I met her a few years back. She was nice, but she completely blind sided us when she The wrote the book, writing nasty things about Sam.the three of us then agreed not to respond to any texts or calls gale would send our way.

I tapped the end call button a few times until it went away. "Why did everybody just freak out when her phone rang? Ethan said with a small chuckle as he looked innocently around the room. I roll my eyes with a scoff, this cause him to look at me confused. "You got to keep up, my dude." Anika said tiredly to the guy. This is why we loved Anika, even though she wasn't an OG we could trust her in ways we couldn't trust Quinn and Ethan. I shot her a small smile,

"sam?" Quinn said on the phone, "my dad wants to talk to you." Sam took the phone from Quinn and held it to her ear. "Mr. Bailey. Hi." I hear baileys faint voice on the other end of the phone but couldn't make out what he had to say. "Well my sister thinks I'm probably overreacting." Sam said with a annoyed glance at Tara. I roll my eyes as I head my words coming from the phone. "What do you mean? What's going on?" Tara's whole tome shifted to that of uneasiness as she listened.

She ended the call with a steady deep breath and she walked out the door. Me and Tara gave each other a look as we followed her out the door. "Sam slow down." I say as we closed the door. "Tara, no. Get back inside. Lock the door." Sam started to push Tara away. "Are you serious? Now you don't want to stick together?" I look between the two girls, « fine" Sam says as she sighs, looking around she looked at me and gave me a grim nod. The three of us walked with one another.

Sirens start to go off and I jump slightly at the sound of Tara's phone. "No again." I say nervously as she gets out her phone. We looked to see the caller and it was.. Richie kirsch? "He's dead that's not possible.." I mumble. "What the fuck.." said Tara grimly. "I never deleted his contact. This is coming from his number." I look at Sam's face, it was pale as snow and her hands shook slightly. "Don't pick that up. Just let it ring." Tara said nervously. Sam answered the phone putting it to her ear. "Sam..." I said nervously placing a hand on Tara's arm, we stood in a line Sam on one end me on the other, and Tara in the middle. Me and Sam were always protective of tara after she was I. The hospital and nearly killed multiple times.

"Who is this?" Sam said bravely taking a few steps, and Tara and I followed. I heated mumbling on the phone that's sounded like none other than ghostface. He's back. I say as a shiver went up my spine. "I want you to think long and hard about whether you really want to do this. Because the last two people that fucked with us ended up dead." Sam said sternly, I could tell by her face she was hiding her nervousness. But I'm her voice you couldn't tell. Ghostface talked some more. "So what? You're protecting us now?" Sam said confused. Me and Tara looked at one another confused as well. What the hells she talking about? I thought.

Unintentional care~ Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now