Chapter 02 - The Sorting Hat

Start from the beginning

The group all shake their heads except for Rowan, who nods. "Good on you," Angelica compliments. Rowan beams, "Thank you. Oh, I'm Rowan Khanna by the way and these are the Sullivan siblings." Angelica freezes for a split second, a hint of fear in here face, before composing herself, "Sorry for that. It's just that... Sullivan..? As in Jacob Sullivan?"

Samantha nods, "You knew him?" Angelica chuckles, "Everyone does. He is - pardon my language - infamous here at Hogwarts. The sudden change from Slytherin academic scholar to ambitious, power-hungry, Vault-seeking madman was sudden. No offence of course."

There is a stunned moment of silence, before Angelica speaks again to discard the awkwardness. "Sorry if that made you uncomfortable. It's just that- nevermind. Anyways, I heard you needed help finding where to go?"

Despite her passionate monologue concerning his brother, Samson found that Angelica relaxed herself oddly quickly, acting as if no interactions happened. Regardless, she led the group to where to go - the Great Hall. There were floating candles, banners and a row of long tables aligned vertically, pointing from the entrance to the stage. At the stage were four Professors, each sitting down in a throne. A podium remained in front of them, as if they were waiting on somebody.

Nevertheless, they all looked so distinct - one wore pure black, suiting his long, greasy black hair and distinguished wrinkled look of disdain. The other wore yellow, a yellow hat seated upon her grey hair and sweet expression. Next to her was some sort of dwarf, a man with parted brown hair and wise circular glasses. Finally, the last person was an older woman with a stern face, dressed in green.

Samson had recognised them all from stories from Jacob. "Severus Snape, Pomona Sprout, Filius Flitwick and Minerva McGonagall." explained Rowan.

Angelica sat the group down at a long dining table seating all of the unhoused First Years. The five began to discuss what was happening, as Rowan explained the ceremony.

"Each first year will be called up, by alphabetical order - surnames - of course, and will be sorted into one the four Hogwarts houses, Slytherin, of the ambitious and cunning, Hufflepuff, for the loyal and patient, Ravenclaw, with the wise and creative, or Gryffindor, for the brave and the noble." Rowan adds, "In case you're curious, I'm hoping to become a Ravenclaw."

Samwise stares in confusion, "But how do they sort us? Do they just stare at us and judge us?" Samuel shakes his head. "Nobody knows, so it'll be a surprise for us First Years."

As the other four chatted, Samson turned around, facing the boy next to him. He was a timid-looking boy, with a face that always looked worried. He had hair like Samuel's, but blonde, paired with a light skin tone and piercing brown eyes. Samson could tell he was nervous. "You okay?" he asked, "You look like you've seen better days." The boy nods, "I've never seen something so... Magical."

Samson smiles in agreement, "Hogwarts? Yeah, it's pretty great." The boy shakes his head in correction. "The whole Wizarding World in general. I'm what you would call a Muggle-born wizard, you see, so none of my parents are magic. I never knew I had anything remotely special until earlier this year... If I'm being quite honest, everything seems big... And scary... And unknown."

Samson stops. He had never met a Muggle-born wizard before, so he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, before the silence got too long, Samson spoke up. "Maybe you should focus on the good. I mean, just look at the world around you! It's unique, it's special it's literally magic!" The boy looks up, slightly inspired, but looks back down. "But I'm still too cowardly... I wish I were courageous."

Samson replies almost immediately, getting carried away in his speech. "For an unknown world, you're facing it really well - for courage is not the lack of fear, but the ability to overcome it!" The boy was about to speak up, expressing further worry, but Samson interrupts. "And before you say that that is not enough, just know that you've already made a friend in me and that if anything happens I'll be there for you. Alright?"

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