"Whipped And Soft!" 😂

Comenzar desde el principio

Then my girls were irritating me by speculating that Courtney is Coco Jones. They didn't understand that they were making me more nervous and agitated! I wouldn't be able to talk to Coco Jones. That's why I was glad Professor Rowe said we could link up with a partner to interview the artists at the concert. Interviewing the other artists wouldn't be a problem. But Coco Jones was going to make me faint!


Coco's P.O.V.

"You told her what?!", Lauren asked.

"I told her that I might be at the concert", I replied.

"Girl, why?! Coco you can't tell her you're the one she's been texting for so many reasons! This shit could get real messy", Lauren fussed.

"Lauren, I don't think Beyoncé is the type to tell anybody's business. I just don't know if I can keep up with this charade. I'm lowkey lying to her!", I exclaimed.

"You're not lying to her! Has she ever flat out asked you if you were Coco Jones?", Lauren asked.

"No, but I'm still misleading her! I'm leading her to believe that I'm just some random person and not a celebrity that she has a whole damn crush on. To make matters worse, she's becoming attached to me and I'm becoming attached to her. You don't understand how hard it is for me to keep playing this game with someone that I'm actually interested in. You have Halle, I have nobody!", I ranted.

Lauren sighed. "Coco....I want you to be happy. As your friend I really do. But as your manager I have to protect you and your career. Chlöe introduced me to you because she hated the way your former manager wasn't fully invested in making you the star that you clearly deserve to be. You hired me to do a job and I'm doing it. I just feel like if it gets out that you and Chlöe were a thing, there's going to be a big mess that could possibly ruin your career. They'll feel like you purposely had someone out her. And I don't want that for you", Lauren stated.

"I get that, but I want to meet Beyoncé. I just have to", I said.

"What if you as 'Courtney' just stop contacting her. But then you, as Coco Jones, ask her out on a date when you meet her. If you do it that way, she'll never know it was you that was texting her. You could just change your number before you see her at the concert", Lauren suggested.

"No! She'll be so hurt if 'Courtney' just stops talking to her for no reason. Some way she'll find out the truth and I'll still end up in a messy situation", I responded.

"Look, Coco! Please, for the sake of your career and even for the sake of Chlöe's career and PRIVACY, don't reveal who you are to this girl. I think you need to detach yourself from her all together honestly", Lauren advised.

"Maybe I do....", I said.


Beyoncé: "You up?"

Courtney: "Yup! Feeling any better?"

Beyoncé: "I'm tipsy! 😂 Robyn made me a strong ass hot toddy! 😏"

Courtney: "So in other words, you're feeling MUCH better! 💀"

Beyoncé: "🤣 Still a little congested, but I'll live."

Courtney: "Are you going to school in the morning?"

Beyoncé: "I'm going to spend one more day in bed. Then I should be good to return to my classes. Normani has been taking notes for me since we have all the sane courses anyway."

What I Didn't Tell You (Coco Jones/Beyoncé)🏳️‍🌈Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora