Chapter 2 - Not this fucking shit again

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Renrawin Aira, you had filed a missing person's report around four years ago, is that correct?" That question appeared to have caught their complete attention. "Yes." Ren immediately replied, hope blossoming in his chest. "Methas Jarustiwa." Thyme interjected, leaning forward and placing his arms on the desk. "What about him?" He did not want to assume anything yet. Yes, he was glad to have some news about the case but at the same time he could not help but wonder... It's been four years, could it possibly be any good news?

"Yes. Methas. We received a call yesterday from the neighborhood hospital, about an unidentified injured man that was admitted there right after he collapsed in front of their gate. We did some investigation and his face seems to be very similar to the photo you had submitted with the complaint. Having said that, we haven't had the chance to speak to him yet, nor confirm his identity. The hospital prohibits us from invading their patients' privacy when they are still recovering."

Thyme stood up and turned away from them, taking a few steps away from the table, he needed some space. His hands ran through his hair and rested at the back of his neck, fingers intertwined and eyes on the ceiling, trying to process what he just heard and keeping those desperate tears of relief at bay. Ren took a few minutes to even react to what he'd just heard. His face turned away, staring at the wall not knowing what he felt. Relief that maybe they finally found him or fear of what might've happened to land him in the hospital the first thing ever since he went off board. He decided to break the silence in the room after a few minutes, "Is he okay?"

The lieutenant looked at them both, he could almost feel their emotions. "He has been asleep ever since his surgery but the doctors say that he will be fine." Ren looked up at the officer and Thyme turned around, still rooted to the spot. "What happened?" Thyme questioned, his voice a little demanding. "He was tortured, we think. For a very long time too. Most of his scars, the doctors say, look a little old. I think we should assume he has been suffering for months, if not years. He was also stabbed, which is why he was operated on but we don't really know what happened. But, he should be awake soon. We were actually going to pay him a visit after this, for his statement."

They did not want to believe what the officer just said. Ren took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. It's okay. He thought. At least he's alive. Whatever else, we will deal with it together. Like we always have. "Can I request to accompany you, officer?" He asked. The lieutenant nodded at him. "Yes, you can." The officer nodded and got up. "I'll give you both a minute." He closed the file. "I'll be out front, waiting." He said, to which Ren nodded gratefully and stood up to shake the officer's hand again. "Thank you very much Lieutenant Perry."

Thyme was lost in his own head. Not paying any attention to the retreating man or his friend who was now looking at him. Stabbed? Tortured? Who would torture him? And why? He was just a boy? And for how long had he been suffering while we lived our lives so peacefully? What am I going to tell Kavin? Am I going to tell Kavin? Do I want to put him through that again? But I have to tell him. He has to know. He can't not know. After all that they've been through... Kavin deserves to know. "I have to call Kavin." He just said.

Ren did not respond to that. He didn't know if it was a good idea to call Kavin or not. Especially about this. Right now, all he wanted was to be at the hospital. But he waited for Thyme. Because he was scared to do this alone. True, Kavin as he is right now, was not Ren's favorite but he was still their best friend and he deserved to know. Regardless of whatever happened or will happen after.

"He's not picking up. I'm gonna go look for him." He announced, making a move to leave when Ren stopped him with a hand on his chest. "Wait. Where will you go? Text Jade, maybe he is home." Ren spluttered. He was not going to go with Thyme, looking for Kavin. He wanted to go to the hospital. Now. But he also didn't want Thyme to leave him alone to face this by himself. Besides, wasn't going to the hospital more important right now? "Ren. I need to talk to him. Face to face. He needs to know. And I don't want to break the news to him over the phone." Thyme looked at Ren, pleading silently to understand him.

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