| [ 000 ] | Prologue |

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Y/N had grown as a firm, strong witted lady yet how come her strength and innocence is held wrong and uncultured? It truly makes so sense.

Her family kicks her out, leaving her to the rough roads of Texas. The "bad" part of Texas, where Leatherface runs loose and with his family, cannibalism roaming through the woods.

Her legs tired, her eyes hooded, and her breath heavy.

She's got no choice but to scavenge the local roads, searching for safety and a roof. Lasting long without food, lasting shortly without liquid.

Finally something is to show up in her path. Good or Bad? Not known yet as her story is yet to be told. Questions linger through your town, your city and your state.

Remain for updates and chapters, and stay around to vote! For all those Bubba Sawyer fans, this here, is the perfect book for you.

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