Chapter 1

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My name is El. Well actually it's Elodie but everyone calls me El. I'm sixteen years old and I just moved to Cousins from Santa Cruz with my mom and younger brother Elijah. I joined the high school out here during the middle of the school year which made it kind of hard to make friends, I did make one friend though. His name is Cam. He's great really. He comes over to my house sometimes and we watch  movies. Mom and Eli love him. Cam has helped me a lot since we've moved here but If I'm being completely honest I still hated it, but he made it better by being cute. I only pretended to be excited about the move to make my mom happy. I don't want to put any more stress on her, she's got enough on her plate dealing with the loss of my father. My dad killed himself in our basement. 

On the bright side we live in this really nice beach house. I haven't been down to the beach yet, even though we've been living here for almost six months. I don't really leave the house much, just for school and stuff. Nothing out there interests me like Santa Cruz did. I just wanted my life to be normal again back in Santa Cruz. I was currently sitting in class waiting for the final bell to ring for the first day of summer. I ended up spacing out but was brought back by a paper ball hitting me in the back of my head. I turned to see Cam in the back of the class with a big smile on his face. I opened up the paper and it was him asking me to go to the bonfire tonight with two check boxes. I checked no before throwing the ball back at him. I watched him uncrumple it again and his smile dropped. I gave him an innocent smile then the bell rang. Everyone else got up and left quickly but Cam stayed behind to wait for me. As I walked to him he begged me to go to the bonfire. "Come on El, you never go anywhere." I patted his shoulder. "Yeah and I'd like to keep it that way, besides I'm very busy tonight." I said tilting my head.

"You're busy? Yeah right!" he says as if he didn't believe me. I smacked his arm. "Hey! I have a life that doesn't have anything to do with this dumb place!" he rubbed his arm and gave me a 'you're gonna regret that.' look. He quickly threw me over his shoulder and spun me around. He laughed at my very weak attempt to get free and started running. I lifted myself up slightly so I could wrap my arms around him making sure I couldn't fall. When we got out of the school he set me down. I then brushed off my skirt and pinched his arm "I'm gonna kill you Cameron!" I said while pulling my skirt down more. He put his hands up as if he were surrendering.

"Well if you're gonna kill me, you've got to catch me!" And just like that he was running away. "Cameron! Get back here!" I screamed after him while trying to catch up. We ran all the way to the beach and he stopped. Once I caught up I grabbed a handful of sand and tossed it at him. He smiled and picked me up then began running towards the water. "No! I'm so sorry!" I screamed knowing what he was going to do. I kicked my feet trying to escape his grip but by the time I got free he'd dunked me in the water.

I pulled him down with me. We laughed as we came back up from the water and started splashing each other. I had to admit this is the most fun I'd had since the move. We splashed for a couple more minutes before we ran out of breath. "Come on, let's go to my house, it's closer. I'm sure my mom has something you can put on." I said,  grabbing his hand leading him out of the water. As we started walking to my house he broke the silence, "So what are you so busy doing tonight, maybe we can do them together. The bonfire doesn't sound so fun alone anyways." I smiled to myself, he didn't want to go without me. Then I felt bad, it was the first day of summer and he wanted to hang out with me. "Well uh-" I began to trail off. "Those sound like some very important plans, maybe I shouldn't intrude." He joked. We laughed and made jokes the rest of the walk..

We made it to my house and went inside still laughing. my brother sitting on the couch playing video games and my mom making lunch in the kitchen. "Aren't you two giggly today?" she smiled. She then looked us up and down. "And wet." I smiled at Cam, hinting I had a plan and he nodded. We walked to my mom and hugged her tightly. "Oh come on, you guys are so immature!" We pulled away and she had two wet spots on her shirt. "Mom, we had such a good time! We went to the beach and-" I trailed off watching as she smirked at Cam who was standing behind me. I turned around to see him making faces behind me. I pinched his arm and he yelped out in pain. "Stop that!" I said, shooting him a stern look. My mom began to talk to break the tension. "Well I'm glad you had fun sweetheart, I know you've been missing home."

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