Rosé Kitt was to be cremated in Ohio, with a memorial plaque there and one in her hometown of Bath in England.

On the day of her funeral Nick stood in the mirror looking at himself, he could never get his tie right. A voice sounds from the door, "Why do you have so much trouble with ties? It's quite comical." His grandad walks over and does it properly for him, Nick then turns to look in the mirror again, his shoulders drop, "I don't think I can do this today pops."
"Look at me Nico." The boy does as he's told, "You are the most incredible human I know and maybe I'm a little biased because you're my grandson, but I know you're going to do great today. You stand up tall, you smile, you cry, you feel Nico. You feel those emotions because that is what makes you human. Fuck everyone who tells you not to cry or to bottle it up, you let it out okay? Whatever emotion it is, just feel it!" His grandad finishes as Nick nods, they hear a horn beeping and Nick looks at his grandad with a determined face, "Come on! We better get moving."

Everyone was seated inside, Nick was a pallbearer and they were a person short, he looks over in the crowd and yells, "Finn?" The tall boy turns towards him pointing at himself, "Can you come help us please?" The boy nods and lets go of Rachel's hand as he walks over taking Nick into a hug, "Are you sure? I don't want to overstep, I didn't know your mom that well." Nick puts his hand on his shoulder, "You're always there when I need you though Hudson and right now I need you." Finn nods and pats the boys shoulder before walking off to be told what to do.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! Today we celebrate the life of Rosé Kitt, gone far too soon." Nick sits and stares at the picture of his mom, he doesn't hear when his name is called by the priest.
"Nick, Nick!" Mackenzie shakes his arm from next to him, "Huh? Oh sorry! Sorry I'm coming." Nick makes his way onto the stage and looks out at the rows of people sat in the pews. He can see Tyler and a few members of the ice hockey team, Mr Schue and the New Directions, Miss Pilsbury, even coach Williams turned up, but then he sees her and she's staring right at him and he freezes in place. He hadn't heard much from her,  an odd text here and there, but she was distant and Nick knew why. As he stood there it was like she had forgotten why she'd withdrew from him. She softly smiles at him and he's snapped back into reality, he leans into the mic but jumps a little when it has feedback, "H--hi everyone. Erm, thanks for coming. I never thought I'd be up here for my mom. One because I thought she would beat it and two because I didn't know her until recently. After years of thinking she didn't care for me because of well...he who shall not be named, I erm I didn't know how much she actually did care for me. The second I reached out, she was on a plane the next week and she had no intentions of leaving me again." Nick clears his throat carrying on, "And though she is gone, she's still here and everyone who got the pleasure of knowing her will forever be blessed with knowing that she'll always be here." Nick points to his heart, wiping his eyes he takes a deep breath, "I only got to have a few months with her and they were best of my life. I'm not particularly good with words on how I'm feeling, but I know how to sing how I'm feeling so if it's okay... that's what I would like to do." Nick stands up and heads over to the piano.
He shuts his eyes as he begins to play the opening keys.

"You taught me the courage of stars before you left
How light carries on endlessly, even after death
With shortness of breath
You explained the infinite
And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist
I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again
I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen
I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time
That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes
I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again
I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen
I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time
That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes
With shortness of breath
I'll try to explain the infinite
And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist
With shortness of breath
I'll try to explain the infinite
And how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist."

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now