Things changed, and though Coco wasn't as respected as she was before because she let a dark dragon into her home, most dragons didn't even know Nighthunter was there, but the ones that did know did not talk to Coco anymore. Over the years, Coco's thoughts changed about the personalities of dark dragons. She felt like she had to get rid of Nighthunter. She was always careful about what she said to him, and to other dragons. Coco was very cautious about Nighthunter, and sometimes she thought that she should kick him out as the other nature dragons did not know she had a dark dragon living in her home for a few days. She was very cautious all the time, yet years later, she and Nighthunter fell in love and had gotten a dragonet. They were then trying to decide a name for the adorable little one (Although still an egg). Both of them had changed so much over the years, but they still had each other.

"Obviously, we should call them Storm. Boy or girl!", said Nighthunter.

"No! That's the worst name I've ever heard! We are not naming them Storm. We are naming them Oakley! A name of a tree and an awesome name for a dragon!" Coco shot back at him.

"Ahem! I said that they were going to be named Storm months ago!"

"Well, I didn't hear you!"

But just when Nighthunter was about to answer back, they both heard screams of fear from outside their home. The cave door burst open, and several dark dragons surrounded them both. Their faces were strewn with angry and sarcastic smiles, and their talons looked like they were clawing into the ground before them.

"Great. Hi, Abazel. Great to see you again!", said Nighthunter to the dragon on the farthest right, sarcastically. "It's been so long!"

"We aren't here for a cozy little catch up. We are here to give you a present. Execution... because you betrayed our tribe!", one of the dark dragons said.

But Nighthunter was confused. He hadn't betrayed them at all, he had been kicked out! But before he could say anything, Abazel's sarcastic smile suddenly changed into an angry, determined look. He ran at Nighthunter at full speed as Nighthunter was sprinting outside. Coco followed them, hoping to not get seen by Abazel and the rest of the dragons. Nighthunter was being held by Abazel, he was also being strangled by one of the other dragons.

"No!", yells Coco, regretting it as soon as the word came out of her mouth. She ran at Abazel and grabbed his tail. Abazel is surprised that Coco was brave enough to grab him and flings his talons around hoping Coco would be afraid, but she was not going to give up the love of her life.

"Run, Nighthunter! It's your only chance to live!"

"No! I want to stay with you! Our dragonet is the greatest thing that ever happened to me! I can't leave now! It's like leaving my life!"

"Grrr! Nighthunter! You have to leave if you want to live!"

"I want to live, but if it means I'll have to leave my dragonet and you I will gladly go to Abazel with open arms!" Coco gasped. Nighthunter didn't leave Dark Island because he needed a vacation! He left because had gotten kicked out! She should have realised this before! She then knew what she had to do.

"Go.", Coco said. She meant it. She didn't want him to go, but she knew he wanted to.

"Thank you", replied Nighthunter. He was sad to leave his dragonet. But he had to. Coco sighed. She didn't want to see this. She walked back inside and started pacing from the wall made of strong rocks to the cave door made of tree bark. There and back. There and back. Then, suddenly, a blood curdling scream ripped through the forest... and Coco felt her heart shatter into tiny grains of sand. Nighthunter was gone. Forever.

Her heart was broken in two. Her husband was dead, and so were her parents. They died in the war 30 years ago. Now all she had was her dragonet. She turned back to her egg. She thought of her own parents and what they would do. Her mothers always took care of her. Janet and Sheoak. She should do the same thing for her own dragonet. But then she remembered. Her mothers always took care of each other too. She felt horrible that Nighthunter was gone, but she needed to move on. She needed to face life with a positive outlook and move on as if this never happened.

She took a deep breath and carefully lifted her talon up onto her egg, making sure it didn't crack at all, and sighed once more. She could see the green and black stripes fading into the other colors on the egg. She could taste the afternoon air. She was heartbroken and now fallen into sorrow. She was going to stay in sorrow for a long time now. She paced to the cave door and then back to the egg. She opened the cave door, hoping everything had died down now. As soon as the door opened a crack, she heard shouting, arguing, and people panicking and frightened by Nighthunter's body. Coco couldn't do it. She immediately closed the cave door and walked away from it, avoiding it for the rest of the day.

These dragons never realised they were living with a dark dragon in their home for 4 years. Coco didn't want to admit it, but Nighthunter's body had been outside for ages. Coco wondered how long she had paced from the cave door to the wall. She didn't know. She didn't really care about the answer, to be honest. She thought Sparks was a good name for the dragonet, because the words 'Sparks' reminded her of fire and ashes, which is what she felt like her life was at the moment. She then turned back to her egg.

There was no other choice for now.

"Hello Sparks", she said quietly. "Hopefully, you will be as kind, brave, and charming as your father...

Tales of Pluto: Sparks FlyingWhere stories live. Discover now