Chapter 6: A Tour Of The Death's Domain (3)

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Two Gods were being killed by another party on the same day.

"Normally, Gods cannot die. But we can enter a state called 'temporary death' when the forces are enough to make our body stopped working."

Zarvan hissed. He then took a deep breath before continued to speak.

"It is not easy to make a God die temporarily. But somehow, on that day, a group from the Demonic Race managed to make a God die, eternally."

The group from the Demonic Race had broken into the Divine Realm somehow. They were attacking the Gods, the Exceptions,... everyone in the Divine Realm. Zarvan's master, the previous God of Time, had been stabbed right in the heart, in order to protect Zarvan and the others.

His master's soul shattered into pieces right in front of Zarvan's face.

Zarvan was also been stabbed after that. But maybe because he wasn't being stabbed by the same person, his soul managed to stay intact, but he had died temporarily. Fortunately

"After that incident, my soul was sent to Alberu Crossman's body."

In order to kept his soul stable and let it regenerated by itself, the Gods had to sent his soul into a mortal's body. That also meant that Zarvan couldn't use his divine power freely when he was in that body. Because it would cause the world became more unbalance.

Kim Rok Soo covered up his mouth and let out a groan after hearing that. That wasn't a very pleasant story. It must have been awful to see his guardian die in front of his face. Both Kim Rok Soo and Cale Henituse knew how that felt.

Seeing your loved ones die is not some good memories at all.

"We still can't figured out how those bastards managed to kill a God. But we will definitely killed them if we see them again."

That Demonic Races group had escaped. Kim Rok Soo could see the furiousness in Zarvan's eyes. He must have been really close to the previous God of Time.

"... What, when, and how?"

What exactly is the Demonic Races? When did Zarvan became Alberu Crossman? And how was this connected to the White Star?

Kim Rok Soo didn't say that out loud because he had a feeling that Zarvan could understand him.

"I became Alberu Crossman at the same time you were born as both Kim Rok Soo and Cale Henituse. I'm also the one who is responsible for reseting the time at our world. In the end, I also lived as Alberu Crossman twice."

Zarvan let out a mockery chuckle. Even though he had lived as Alberu Crossman for the second time, he couldn't do anything different. Because of, again, the balance of the world.

"For the Demonic Races and the White Star part, we will have to spend another day. It's a long topic. And also, I'm running out of time."


Zarvan then looked at the tall pile of paper that had been sitting in the corner of the room. Kim Rok Soo immediately realized that he had paperworks to do. It seemed like Zarvan had purposely ignored his work for a while.

"Beside, Azazel, it's almost time both of your subordinates come back. You should make this tour faster. I think they will be very happy to see our new member."

Kim Rok Soo wondered who were Azazel's subordinates. Why did Zarvan said that they would be happy to see him?

Were they someone Kim Rok Soo knew?

"Yeah, you're right. We'd better get going. See you later, then."

"Ah, wait."

Just as Azazel and Kim Rok Soo were about to stand up, Zarvan held them back. The God of Time then approached Kim Rok Soo.

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