First Time (Sanji xReader)

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You walked aimlessly around the Sunny, looking for something entertaining until the rest of the crew came back. It so happens that you volunteered to look after the ship because the bar scene didn't really interest you much, you'd much rather drink alone. You felt the smooth wood under your feet as you walked barefooted past the doors of the Sunny, holding the empty bottle of wine you had finished not too long ago. You had no idea that this would be so boring. You leaned over the rail, looking out towards the sky, focusing on the moon that stood up behind the mountains filled with city lights. The weather was cool, there was no wind. The sounds of the waves crashing at the shore echoed, it was indeed very calming.

You closed your eyes for a second, focusing on the sounds and the air. A picture of a young man ran through your mind. Long blonde hair, tall, lean, masculine, holding a cigarette with his hand. Sanji. You let out a long sigh, opening your eyes to the empty space around you, realizing that it was hopeless to be thinking of someone like him. Feeling a little desolated, you push away from the rail, starting to walk again but this time towards the kitchen. You open the door to the kitchen, on a mission to find something to drink and get drunk on. You seriously hated feeling this way towards someone like him, and you needed to forget with your good ol' friend (wine). You stepped into the area where the counter was, reaching to the top cabinets looking for a bottle of wine and a glass. You reached the objects that were placed not too far from each other. Setting the old empty bottle on the counter, you opened the new one.

"Come to mama!" you said with a bit of sadness in your tone. You placed the glass on the counter, overturning the bottle so that the wine could spill out into the glass until three-fourths full. With your butt towards the edge of the counter, you jumped up, pulling yourself into a sitting position on top. You swung your legs up and down, drinking the wine like it was water. "Why do you have to be such a playboy?" you spoke out to no one in the room. You brought the glass to your lips, as you gulped the remaining down as some dripped on your tank top and skirt. "ugh... great" you said as you wiped the red stain off the white of your top with your hand. At this point your didn't care if it ruined your clothes anymore, Sanji had already taken over your thoughts.

"_____-swan, heh..." you chuckled as you imitated the voice of Sanji as he would often call you. The air around you smelled just like Sanji did, cigarettes and cologne. You looked over your shoulder to the ashtray where Sanji's dead cigarettes were. You took one in between your fingers and waved it in the air before placing it between your lips. "An indirect kiss- hic!" you chuckled with the cigarette still on your lips. "Better start getting to bed," you grabbed the bottle, serving yourself more wine. You hopped off the counter, but sleep possessed you to stay in the kitchen. "I'll take a nap -hic!- here." you mumbled as you sat on the floor leaning your back against the counter taking a last gulp of wine straight from the bottle. "Sanji...." and with his name drifting off from your lips you fell asleep.

3rd Person POV.

It had probably been close to an hour since you fell asleep. The light of the moon was glowing through the window, highlighting your drunk and flustered face. The tall man in the suit opened the door to the kitchen, without turning on the lights he went directly to the refrigerator. With a cigarette hanging from his soft lips, he reached into the fridge looking for ingredients to make a dish. His scent of cologne and cigarettes dominated the air inside the room. Undecided, the chef was rumbling through the vegetables.

"Sanji-kun..." The young man suddenly heard a faint and familiar feminine voice calling out to him. Confused he closed the door to the fridge and looked behind him towards the door. But there was no one there. "Sanji...." the voice called out to him, soft and almost like a whisper. The man looked down to the floor by the counter to see the girl that had passed out. He smiled to himself, not feeling sorry, but amused by how his cute little ____-swan had fallen asleep. He noticed the cigarette and bottle in her hand, worried, the man kneeled down next to the girl retrieving the items from her grasp. "Why sanji?" Her voice sounded sad, thats when he noticed the glow of the moon shinning on the tears that were rolling down her face.

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