Mission 🔫(Hypertana)🗡

Start from the beginning

      Even when leaving Blackrock they frisked you down to make sure you aren't leaving with anything that would hurt the phaction. If caught, they would beat you and toss you somewhere where you would never see the light of day again.

      However, Hyperlaser was a well known serviceman around here. His work was the top of its league and he got your issue taken care of very quickly. It wasn't a big surprise when Subspace, a Blackrock elite, took extreme interest in that fact and has since hired him personally to be on call 24/7.

      It didn't mean that Hyperlaser didn't take up other side jobs from time to time. Blackrock was greedy when it came to bills, so he would need everything he could get if it meant getting out of this god forsaken phaction. He predicted that he could be out of here by the time he's eighty. He should really rethink his options.

      Hyperlaser didn't need to slow down as the gate was opened for him automatically. He sped through, his bike leaving a blue trail behind as he sped through the tunnel to get to Crossroads and then to Thieves Den.

      As he thought about it, maybe he could stop for a snack. It's going to be a long journey, so why not? Aiming is always better on a full stomach.

      Decending down Blackrock and its mountains, Hyperlaser was making incredible time. He may just even be back for dinner.

      It was prime time for flowers in Thieves Den. Trees were green and beautiful flowers were in bloom. There was even cherry trees lining the streets, the petals littering the streets in the most perfect way possible.

      Hyperlaser slowly drove through the streets, looking for a parking garage. However, they weren't like Blackrock. There was no big office buildings or labs, so that meant there was defiantely no car garage. That meant Hyperlaser had to hide his Hyperbike.

      Thieves Den had its name for a reason. Someone was probably waiting to steal his bike the moment he got off. He should of brought a Biograft to guard his precious vehicle.

      "Nice bike! Looking for a place to keep it safe, bud?" someone called. Hyperlaser stopped and looked over at the stranger. They looked like they worked on cars. Their clothes were greasy and they smelled of oil. They were in front of a decent sized garage. There was two doors, one open while the other closed.

      Hyperlaser pulled up next to them to continue the conversation. "No offense, but Thieves Den is notorious for such shadiness." The stranger chuckled, "Blackrock isn't as innocent!"

      Alright, the stranger had him there. Hyperlaser hummed, "I would assume you would keep it in your garage?" The stranger nodded, "Yep! All I ask is for a little manual labor in return. Something is up with the carburetor on this stupid thing. Mind helping me after you come back?" They kicked the car they were working on.

      That seemed like a very fair trade. "You have yourself a deal," Hyperlaser turned off his bike and put his keys back into his pocket. He rolled the Hyperbike in the garage and shook the stranger's hand in good faith. It was nice to meet someone so generous and kind.

      Now that he was without a bike, it was time to go on foot. Hyperlaser was used to it, but it was still something he despised. All he had was the information in his head and the photo in his pocket. Asking around might blow his cover, so he liked to refrain from doing it.

      However, it was said that he was deep in the forest, somewhere near a natural spring and waterfall. Hyperlaser was also fortunate to snag a map and find where this secret area could possibly be.

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