jealous newtie

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Newt and Thomas had been living together for a few weeks now, and their relationship had grown stronger with each passing day. They were inseparable, spending their time laughing, talking, and supporting each other through life's ups and downs. But recently, Newt had noticed something that made him feel uneasy - Teresa's flirtatious behavior towards Thomas.

It was a warm summer evening, and the group had gathered at their favorite hangout spot in the city. As they sat around a table, sharing stories and laughter, Newt couldn't help but notice how Teresa was subtly leaning in closer to Thomas, her hand brushing against his arm. Thomas seemed oblivious to the attention, his eyes focused on the conversation.

Newt tried to push away the feeling of jealousy, telling himself that Teresa was just being friendly. But as the night went on, his unease only grew. He found himself stealing glances at Thomas and Teresa, watching their interactions like a hawk.

During a playful round of truth or dare, Teresa dared Thomas to give her a piggyback ride. Thomas obliged, lifting her up with ease, and Newt's heart sank a little. He couldn't deny that Teresa looked happy on Thomas's back, and it made him wonder if she had feelings for Thomas.

As the night drew to a close, Newt found himself sitting alone with Thomas by the edge of the city's lake. The gentle lapping of the water and the distant sounds of laughter from their friends filled the air.

"Hey, Tommy," Newt finally mustered the courage to speak up, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Thomas turned to him with a warm smile, "What's on your mind, Newt?"

"It's just... I noticed how Teresa's been acting around you," Newt admitted, trying to sound casual despite the knot of jealousy in his stomach.

Thomas looked genuinely surprised, "Oh, really? I hadn't noticed anything strange."

"I don't know... It just seemed like she was being a little too friendly, you know?" Newt replied, trying to hide the insecurity in his voice.

Thomas reached out and gently took Newt's hand in his, "Newt, there's nothing to worry about. Teresa and I are just friends. You're the one I care about, and no one else matters to me in that way."

Newt's heart swelled with relief, and he let out a small chuckle. "I guess I'm just being silly, huh?"

Thomas shook his head, "No, you're not being silly at all. It's normal to feel a little jealous sometimes. But you don't have to worry about Teresa. I only have eyes for you."

The sincerity in Thomas's eyes melted away Newt's doubts, and he leaned in to kiss Thomas softly. In that moment, any lingering feelings of jealousy evaporated, replaced by the warmth of Thomas's love.

As the weeks went on, Newt's trust in Thomas's feelings for him grew stronger. He learned to brush off any lingering feelings of jealousy, knowing that Thomas chose him above anyone else. Their love deepened, and they continued to build a life together, supporting each other through every twist and turn.

And as for Teresa, Newt soon realized that she was nothing more than a good friend to Thomas. They had their own unique bond, and Newt knew he had nothing to worry about.

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