chapter 15

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Narrator POV.

"two of hearts is not such a bad card "

At the morning wents by, Slash and Axl join Steven's "meal", which was basically a badly done pancake with the cheapest syrup in the market.
Izzy joined a little while later, setting the coffee to make for everyone, while sitting back at the table, chatting the newspaper that axl was reading

he inhales the smoke and axl opens his mouth, eyes still on paper

"We changed the name."
izzy clears his throat, flicking ash from his cigarette into an ashtray



izzy pretends to have the slightest interest in the conversation

"what is it now?"

"you would know if you were there."

he rolls his eyes

"Its guns n roses. I hope you don't do that shit again."

izzy leans back in his chair, raising the cigarette to his mouth as duff finally makes his way downstairs, past the boys' table, heading straight for two cups of coffee, which looks like it's already hot

"I also got my stuff to take care of."

Duff returns to the table and sits between axl and izzy, handing one of the cups to izzy and blowing on the other in his hand. Axl slowly look up

"If you wanna stay on this band, you'll gotta take it serious."

izzy sights while Slash headed to the coffe machine, followed by steven

"whatever. " he finishes and the room goes silent, the only thing you could hear were sips and the sound of the news paper

Slash grabs his own cup and steven is looking over his shoulder

"I think its weird isn't it? duff and izzy"

steven whisper

"hum? what about them?" Slash says in a normal tone, not taking his eyes off the cup, as if he really didn't care what steven was talking about

"you know, thats like the third time i see them taking, grabbing shit just to eachother, I mean, if it was my home i would ask if other people would want it.." he says as he fiddling with the handles of the cups and slash turns to him

"You were hurt because they didn't ask if you wanted coffee, weren't you?" slash smiles, laughing

"I mean no, not in that kind of way I just, you know... thought this"

he keeps laughing and grabs his friends shoulder, it's true that the blonde had a lot of love in his heart, and was always very concerned about people, apart from the fact that deep down he saw himself as something insignificant, treating everyone as superior.

"Oh steven, i love you my man!"
steven smiles

"what?" he laughs "its true!"

after they finish laughing, steven is now the one getting coffee slash continues the conversation, leaning on the furniture next to the coffee machine, while looking away towards the table with his friends

"but they are always like this, if they bring just one thing, is for one of them, if its two is for both of them, if its more, than its for everyone, but they usually ask before. they kind of live in their own little world, they are always out of touch with situations, as if all that matters to each of them is each other, if they only have one glass to put alcohol on the table, they don't get another one, they share it, if they only have one a cigarette, take turns, if you only have one fork, both use it. this is kind of their thing, with time you get used to it, but in the beginning sometimes it's even funny, I don't know how many times I laughed about it and they looked at me completely lost, because for them it's such a natural habit, something so mechanic, which they've always done, they don't even notice, they think it's just something everyone else does too, it's normal for them. you'll get used to it stee, don't worry!" he laughs patting steven on the back, who smiles in affirmation, then turns towards the table

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