The Kosa Bill

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    As many of you guys you might have heard of the KOSA Act/Bill (Kid Online Safety Act) it could get pass this week July 27th, 2023. I know this may be scary and it is scary but we need to fight against it as it does violate our right and fight for our rights!

    If you think it wouldn't get pass because of the first amendment let me tell you it could get pass. Many bill have gotten pass like for example the FOSTA-SESTA Acts have gotten past even if it violated the first amendment.

    Information about the KOSA Act/Bill:

    1. If it get pass in America then everyone would be put under mass censorship!

    2. It will allow for your parent to see everything basically what you do online. I know this have already been a thing but I think it worser now if get pass, since it could put kid at risk who live in a household who is not the nicest to them at all and who doesn't agree with them.

    3. If the government doesn't like certain app like tiktok, wattpad, tumblr, disord, etc. It could be deleted because it contains stuff they don't like lgbtq+, poc, and many more.

    4. You will have to upload your government ID or driver license to access the whole internet because if you ever post something if this bill get pass after it happen they want to trace it back to you basically. If you ever did something bad they basically have information against you and the government could literally sell your information if they wanted too.

    5. Anything Lgbtq+ related could be and probably will be related like started before.

Tiktok Account: (Link)

Omarsbigsister account:
Fanfiction father~ account:

Tiktok Video: (Link)

Yourfavoriteguy video:

Omarsbigsister video:

Omarsbigsister video:

Fanfiction father~ video:

Thing you can do:

1. Call your senators; It never to late if you haven't done so yet. I know it is scary but please try to call!

2. Sign petition: I will link some of here for you guys to sign:



3. Tell your family and friend about it because the more people know about it and can help would be better!

Once again please don't lie to yourself as a way to convince yourself it wouldn't pass because it violates the first amendment. I promise it wouldn't help yourself cause I tried that but it would always just come back. If you need anyone to talk about it I am always here for you!

Feel free to add anything in the comments about any other information I missed!

Just to let you know we can do it! Get it denied again and if it get pass we will fight till we get our right and till the end!

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