" An answer for what? " I asked rubbing my neck. Immediately Dean scoffed and shook his head.

" Stop fucking around! I'm talking about where we settle down. And maybe one day start a family. Don't you want that Janie?" I stood up from the floor still holding my neck. Was this psycho serious? Settle down? With him? He has finally lost it.

"Dean I-" Suddenly, Dean trails his fingers from my shoulder to my hip. That shut me up quickly. I looked up at his eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. No matter how angry I am, or how much I hate him, his eyes still find a way to tell me so much that is left unsaid. His words always find a way to hypnotize me and take control over my body. Its scary.

" Think about it baby " He whispers. I couldn't stop myself from nodding.

"Ill think about it." I answered. And I could not help myself from staring at those lips. The lips that were on mine five minutes ago.

" I could be the best boyfriend that you could dream of. Or I could be your worst nightmare. Think I'm bad now honey? Just wait. And I swear if you say no, you'll se just how bad I can be." Dean said. I was already thinking of saying yes but that would be hell for me. He wants a full on relationship? I began turning around but Ambrose slapped my ass. And again, me being me, I can't stop myself from slapping him across the face. As soon as I connected to his face, I heard a moan escape his mouth. His hand flew to his cheek and he turned to face me showing me one of his famous smirks.

" Oh baby. That was a good one. " Dean gasped. He gripped my wrist and planted my hand on his pants showing me what I'd done to him. Sure enough he was stiff as a rock from my slap. Crazy son of a bitch.

"Now I hate to leave you alone Janie but I'm going to go take care of this. I can always take care of you if you want." Dean teased before he walked back into the hotel room.




5:35 Payback, Chicago, IL




I sat alone in the Divas locker room getting dressed for my match. I will be with the rest of the Shield against the Wyatts and Paige. This is it. They have brought on a war, and this war will be finished by us. Seth Dean and Roman all walked into the locker room.

"You're so lucky the divas aren't in here. You'd be hearing screams that'd end your life." I said not looking up. I heard Roman chuckle before he sat by me.

"What ever." Seth sat down too and wrapped his arms around me.

"We are ready! Dominant!" Seth cheers. I roll my eyes staring at my hands clenching and unclenching them to get used to the feeling.

"Well I'm ready at least. I know Dean is. Ro, Jay, what about you guys." Seth adds on.

"Of course I'm ready. That bitch deserves everything I'm going to do to her." I say beginning to get hyped up. I stand up wiggling my arms and legs to stretch them a bit.

"Ro? You?"

"Of course. Bray Bray Bray. Its all about him. The Shield doesn't run. We fight. And he is going to get everything he deserves tonight."

"Believe in the Shield guys" Dean says. All of us put our fists in and count to three before raising them. Did I mention in the fourth member of the Shield?







"Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta Shield!"

"This match is scheduled for one fall! Making their way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 830 pounds, The Shield!" Lillian announced. All of us began walking down the stairs, Seth in font of me, Roman and Dean were on the other side walking in sync with us. We all stared at the same sight in the ring. The Wyatts and Paige standing there, smirking at us. Seth flipped over the barricade and I hopped over after him. We all hopped onto the barricade, cornering them. Their smirks dropped off of their faces as they looked around at all of us.

"Not so funny anymore is it?" I yelled to Paige. She bit her lip looking around again.

Honestly, I know that these guys wouldn't dare touch her. Except for Dean. That's why when I'm hurt and Paige is in, I'm tagging him. He doesn't give a damn and that's what we need tonight. Now the Wyatts, they ALL don't give a damn. They'd beat the hell out of me without question.

" Ok guys" Dean mouthed. We all got in the ring and ambushed them all. I took Paige, smashing my fist into her head. When she fell in pushed her head into the mat repeatedly. She let out screams wiggling around until she somehow got on top of me. Her elbows connected with my ribs over and over until someone grabbed her off of me. Bray. Dean picked me up and looked me over before glaring over at the Wyatts. He was pissed. Roman Dean and I were pushed to our corner while Seth said he'd start against Harper. Oh Hell.

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