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"be honest did u do it" i whisper to zay as a cop watches us suspiciously "well not me exactly" he says back i furrow my brows in confusion "so u were just there?" i ask confused he nods his head

"your gonna need to snitch and get out of this zay" ms reyes speaks up from next to me "bru yk we don't snitch" he mugs "who was it" i ask

"nova" he whispers i burst out laugh "what's so funny" the cops bickering from the far "nothing sir" ms reyes answers for me

"how'd she even do it she seems like a pussy" i ask zay

"she picked me up from the hospital acting like you and she already had ndot tied up in the car but she didn't tell me how she found him" zay explains "then took him to our house and yk but she kinda ran off leaving me there which is we're the camera saw me" he continues

"left you? yeah snitch on that hoes ass" i answer back "you got this win that case" i say dapping my brother up he nods hugging ms reyes

the cop grabs his arms taking him back i let out a breathe taking a moment to take in all the info i just found out i'm stress out.


i lay in nottis bed as dd knocks on the door "why are u in here ma" he asks sitting on the bed i just shrug not really wanting to talk to him "what's good wit you?" he asks me again "how do you think? bru like my brother could possibly go to jail i'm just stress" i mug

"ok why u taking it out on me? lemme make your stress go away" he says rubbing up my legs "get the fuck off of me" i push him away "find be like that your acting like a real bitch" dd says standing up

i slap my hand across his face "don't ever call me that again" i mug slamming the bedroom leaving


sorry not sorry :))

 𝑴𝒀 𝑮𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹, 𝒅𝒅𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒂Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum