☆red bottoms★

225 7 4


12:30 p.m, june 25 2023☆
☆w.a.p corp★


the sound of heels clicking echoed off of the high ceilings and marble walls. the glass like floors filled with bright and exotic fish, plants swaying with water's slow movement.

eyes. eyes. eyes...they stared from all around the room. burning holes into the back, front, side. there was no escaping and that's how i liked it.

that attention, the lights. they made me feel ethereal,   otherworldly.  i thrived off the feeling, especially after the hard life i've had to endure. yes, i fucking said it. and, i do hope you know i meant what i said.

grinding my ass to the top, working non stop, putting up with people and the world's shit...i deserve everything after the hard work my ass put in.

"miss-" the voice came to a complete stop. my sharp eyes being revealed from behind my dark shades.

"i made the call earlier. ya know why i'm here. take me to what my ass came to see. got it." the impatience within my tone was explicit, but i wanted what i wanted. a boss like me can be that way. most will never understand and ion expect them to.

the readhead nodded, asking me to follow her. she led the way through dark red hallways, gold trimming the walls with beautiful painting hung up. the lights dimmed to a pale red, creating such a sexual aura. what i like, what i need.

"i requested a specific person...how you remember. don't like repeating myself."

"y-yes ma'am, i remember the girl you requested. [y/n] [l/n]. the youngest yet the only to never get picked." the redhead mentioned as we took a left onto a main hallway with deep blue velvet carpets, black walls with mirrors of all kinds hanging up on at least every inch with the cracks filled with small pieces of glass.

looking down at her, eyebrow raised in confusion, i husked "whatchu mean?"

before she could respond toy question, a huge dark brown french door flee open revealing a [s/c] girl. she was barely nude, [b/t] littered in bruises and cuts. her hair was so dishelved, just like her...damn, she was beautiful.

"didn't i tell you to fucking eat me right?! dumbass bitch can't do shit right! i want my mothafuckin' refund." a tall, slender but hourglass woman yelled as she stormed out of the room. spitting on the one girl laying down on the floor.

her body trembled as she struggled to get up. the sounds of pain echoed throughout the room, other doors slowly beginning to open as other people began to step out. eyeing the scene if what just happened.

[e/c] eyes met mine. god, did i just temporarily die? the most damn beautiful eyes i've ever seen.


"i want her. tomorrow, my house at five. no earlier and no damn later."

and with that, i left the building. security guard opening my door, stepping into the car i sighed.

wonder how's this gon go...

the only thing i'd leave behind was the sight of my red bottoms....

☆red bottoms★
perspective: cardi b
playing next: ☆mansions and tears★

☆word count; 562★

love ya'll, sorry this is short but ya girl got school. stay healthy, stay a hottie<3

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