Tsujimura left out a sigh of relief. "If I were a Detective you'd be like Blofeld!"

"Aah?" Higuchi hummed confused, Ayatsuji sighed. There she was again with her nonsense. Was she meaning the nemesis of James Bond? That Blofeld? He didn't resemble her at all... And the context what was again...? He didn't find any; Higuchi too.

"You see, they say archinemesis are two face on the same medal! Blofeld had Bond, Moriarty had Holmes, and you..."

"...And I am listening to someone listing all fictional characters..."

"I have to agree with Higuchi-kun on this point." Ayatsuji finally spoke after minutes of silence.

"Sensei sure knows how to be rude, do not imitate him! Or take his parts when we fight."

"I think he is more than enough to make you quiet down..." Higuchi said, remembering the meeting of the day before. He sure is quite the thing, Hirotsu-san...

"As much as I would like to say yes, you're underrating Tsujimura-kun's ostination." Ayatsuji said. His arms were crossed, covering his stomach not to make someone hear it softly rumbling.

"Let's grab something to put underneath the teeths." Higuchi said, which made his eyes fix on her. She heard it, even though his precaution. What a sharp ear.

He thought that with the usual loud city sounds, nobody would've noticed. And yet... There Higuchi was waving his convinction goodbye.

I chose her well. Not a good mafia, but sure a person that can be called so "good". Ayatsuji thought.

"Wait, wait, wait! Higuchi-san, we can't make deviation like this!" Tsujimura exclaimed.

Slowly, Higuchi stopped her tracks, turning around to face Tsujimura. "...Why?" She asked her.

"Because we have to bring him back home!"

"Still, it isn't answering my question. There is nothing bad in going to a café and having breakfast. I see no fret in taking him back home."

Tsujimura groaned. "Yes! Because---"

"We will be there too, Tsujimura-san. It's not like he's going there alone." She retorted.

Ayatsuji watched the two argue, finding it quite entertaining. At some point, he joined the conversation, as it wasn't going anywhere.

"I agree with Higuchi-kun, there is nothing wrong."

"Of course you would agree with her!" Tsujimura spat. "Higuchi-san, you should keep him in line, not giving him so much freedom!"

"He isn't a dog, Tsujimura-san..." Higuchi sighed. "And it's not like he can use his ability on normal people, like most ability users can."


"If we're finished, let's head to the nearest café." He said, walking by Higuchi's side, as they were going away.

"Wait! You two!!"

►͠ ◊ ͠ ● ͠ ◄

"I still don't agree with this." Tsujimura said as the waitress brought them two coffees and a latte.

"You could have left us be. I had a supervisor with me." Ayatsuji replied cuddling a cat that made itself comfy on his lap.

"Why did you choose a neko café?" She asked them, as she looked at a calico cat that slightly resembled the one Ayatsuji had.

Lost Memories: Higuchi and Ayatsuji's other storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum