Thirty: The broken bad boy

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"Went to see my dad, he pushed my buttons and I went out with the guys to... forget it all. I'd had enough." He said. "And then I got into a fight."

"Justin..." Skylar frowned.

She walked up to Justin and lifted his chin with her finger. She slowly ran her fingers through his hair then stroked his cheek.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I should've known better than to go out and get faded. I should've called."

"Why didn't you?"

Justin looked down.

"My dad just knows what to say to make me lose it. I don't think straight when I come from seeing him. He just... he makes me go to a dark place, that's all."

Skylar stroked Justin's arms gently then kissed his head.

"Eat up so I can give you some painkillers and look at your wounds." She said.

Justin reached for the plate of food and started eating.

Skylar went to clear her desk to pass the time. She plugged her iPod into its speakers and played some music softly.

She realised then that she probably looked like a hot mess: no makeup on, a stupid and slightly baggy Mickey Mouse t-shirt on... she hadn't prepped her hair for bed yet, thank goodness, and Bantu knots were out of the question because she'd look like a house slave to Justin for sure, she thought.

"Thank you." Skylar heard Justin say.

She turned around and found he was done with his food and was having some water to drink.

He looked so sad.

Skylar gave Justin a warm smile and picked up the first aid kit.

"You might wanna get comfortable." She said.

Justin looked up at her and slowly took off his jacket. While Skylar went to put it neatly on her chair at her desk, he took his shoes and blood-stained t-shirt off and sat comfortably against Skylar's headboard with a pillow at his back for comfort.

Skylar crawled onto the bed and propped up on her knees on front of him, in between his legs. She was drawn to his toned body and tattoos instantly and before she allowed herself to die at how sexy Justin really was, she asked him to get some cotton balls out of the first aid box then she poured some antiseptic liquid into the small bowl of warm water.

"Sorry I just showed up." He handed Skylar one cotton ball. "I didn't know where to go."

"It's okay." Skylar dipped the cotton ball into the antiseptic water then squeezed the liquid out to start cleaning out Justin's wounds.

"How did this fight happen?" She asked.

It was an embarrassing story to have to tell, really, but Justin sometimes found humour in serious situations.

"I bumped into this big buff guy..."

"Already a bad start." Skylar smiled softly.

Justin tried to smile too, "I spilled my drink on him accidentally and he went at me about his $300 t-shirt, called me names and I got worked up and threw the first punch."

"Did you win the fight?"

"If I said I did, would it score me points in your books?"

Skylar smiled, "Major points."

"I won." Justin said.

He winced as Skylar cleaned the corner of his lip.

"Sorry." She said, "It's just a small cut."

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