After sometime
Everyone having breakfast now liya come running and everyone sees her and they know she is late today
Liya carefull arna said seeing liya running fast
Liya dont worry you will be on time so be clam abha said munching her food
Abha you dont know i am realy late liya said coming down from stairs
Liya come eat breakfast tanvi said looking at liya
Tanvi di its impossible i am already late so i dont want breakfast and dont worry when interview is over i will eat keep food for me liya said and hugged arna and tanvi and last abha and avya and tiya and ayra
Okay now i will go bye bhacho liya said to tiya and ayra and left the house
Arna di do you think she will be on time abha asked looking at the dircation where liya gone
She will dont worry you eat arna said smilingy knowing liya will reach
Avya your going anywhere today abha asked completing her breakfast
I am not going anywhere why avya asked seeing abha
I just asking if you go anywhere i also want to come today i have leave thats why abha said lending to her chair
Everyone done their breakfast and seat on sofa to talk sometime

After sometime
Liya come from house and waiting for her cab to go for interview she already late here cab is not coming she was standing and waiting then cab come but that was stop on other opposite side so she need to cross and she was crossing but a car come in full speed and about to hit her but her luck there was two wheeler standing because of that she is safe liya was opened her eyes in angry and look towards the car to rise her angry no one come out from car to see whether to see she okay or not now her angry on peak and after a second one man come out from car
Mam are you okay that man asked liya
I am not okay cant you see if the car hited me then liya said angry
Mam you not got any hurt the driver of car said
So i got any hurt means you can drive like dont you know you have drive slow in this way old peoples and childerns cross here because its a slow point dont be careless liya said angryly and driver called by man who was seating inside car after sometime the driver come to liya
Mam my sir getting late and sir said if you want money ask but dont create secen driver said liya look at in more angery
If your sir is late then its not my problem and what your sir think that everyone do this for money then your sir is worng we have life which is more then money if your sir have money then tell him keep it for him liya said angryly
Mam sir is getting late if its become more late then he will shcold me driver said feeling afride liya look at him and think thats his sir who told him drive fast then wrong is that man
I am thinking that your sir have money to give me right tell him to keep that money himselfe and buy some manners and senses and tell him also have some brain which he dont have you know what we call brainless person stupid that what your sir is STUPID IDIOT liya said angryly and the driver widen his eyes when she called his boss stupid and idiot he thought if she know who was in car then she will not talk like this he pray the god to not make her meet his boss agine and gone inside car and drive the car off and liya also get in cab and left for her interview

Aarav rajvanshi agnihothri
Aarav leave hurry when ahaan said its late and he still standing there and thinking about how to get that deal and come out house and told his driver to get ready the car and the driver opend the door for aarav and aarav seat inside car and told driver to go and aftersometime he told his driver to drive fast and he was in his phone but after sometime the car stoped joltingly aarav look at his driver and angryly ask him
What is this is this how you drive why stoped suddenly aarav said angryly
Sir that girl come infornt of our car driver said in afride
What she dont have sense go look at her and tell her to go aarav said angryly and irritated
Okay sir driver said and come out from car leave to see that girl and aarav agine start to see his phone after sometime aarav seen the driver still talking to the girl and her face was not visible to him so he signed
Idiot dont know what he talking to her this long aarav said himselfe and called his driver and the driver come to him and bend to window level
I think she will not leave until i do something tell her if she want money then to ask and dont create scene here i dont have time for this all aarav said
Okay sir driver said and leave from there after he told her that she start to talk more louad that now aarav also listening he put his phone down and start to look who is she this time her face was visible and she was looking angry and atlast she said that he is stupid and brainless and mannerless and senseless and idiot this what made aarav angry till now no one dared to lift their head when they talk with him but this girl thinking this he greezed his teeth and fisted his hand that his knuckles become white and angry visible in his eyes and after that the girl left and the driver come inside car and seen his boss who was angry and he did not talked anything started the car and leave for office

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