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-June 5th 2010-

"So how was Eddie, everything you wanted?" Cass asked across from the bar. That next day.

"Ugh, unless Eddie became some blond chick, it didn't happen" Buck pouted

"Aww I'm sorry babes"

Cass was a mom friend true and true, she cared about Buck. He told her what happened after they left the bars, and how Eddie had felt too pressured. How he was depressed and found that girl to hook up with instead.

"You know these endless hookups aren't good" she says

Buck rolled his eyes. "I know I know."

He quickly messaged Eddie realizing he did not have time to this morning.

'Hope ur hangover ain't too bad :('

'Nah, sry again btw I sux'

'You're fine :) no problemo'

':/ ok'

Buck sadly looked at his texts. He didn't know what else to say. He was okay with it, even though Buck really wanted to get with him. Maybe one day. His shift went by quickly, Saturdays are definitely one of the busiest days the bar has. It makes for some really good tips. Probably helps that he doesn't mind flirting up any cute passerby's.


Eddie woke up that next afternoon, he slept hard. The alcohol still pounding behind his head. Ej was standing over him on his phone, snapping some pics.

"What the fuck are you doing" Eddie bitched

He laughed and showed Eddie his phone. His dumbass drew a dick on his face. Real mature. Asshole.

"You know since you like them so much" he laughed and made kissy noises at Eddie.

Eddie got up and pushed him aside, he just kept laughing. He doesn't know why he hangs out with these guys.... such jerks. He went and washed his face, at least EJ was nice enough to not use sharpie.

"Faggot" he continued as Eddie got back to his room.

"Shut up EJ. I'm not gay" he scoffed

"Well ur new buddy is" he shrugged showing Eddie pics of Buck and some guy making out.

He took a closer look, those were Eddie... fuck. His. Life. That was them. You couldn't see who it was really, just black hair.

"Where'd you get this?" Eddie asked worried.

"Matt recognized him last night, I'm surprised you didn't see him feeling up this dude" he made a vomiting noise.

"Nah, bro I told you I'm straight. I was actually hooking up in the back room with this smokin hot red head" he lied.

"Dump his gay ass then" Ej complained and walked into the other room.

Eddie is so screwed if any other pictures are out there. He felt like throwing up. He lied his way out of this one, but you could only see a blurry picture of Buck and just the back of his head. If Matt has other pictures... he got changed and took off out of that frat house, Eddie needed to clear his head a bit. He just drove down the coastline and parked under some trees. Listening to the radio and watching the world happen around him. He can see why Buck would like to travel. A new city constantly. No pressure, no expectations of how to act and who to be. He got to wear his heart on his sleeve and be himself.

Eddie's phone buzzed, it's him. He smiles a goofy grin.

'Hope ur hangover ain't too bad :('

'Nah, sry again btw I sux' Eddie replied

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