02. nhie had a guy over

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never have i ever had a guy over

never have i ever had a guy over

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occurs during 2x03 - ...opened a textbook

Anna walked through the school halls alone, since Tyler had already left her to meet his basketball friends. For once, she was glad to be on her own, because it meant that she could think through what she was about to do. She had to tutor Paxton, and she didn't even know where to start.

She didn't have a specific problem with Paxton, beside for the fact that they had never spoken before, and now she was supposed to spend every day of every week with him so he could improve his grades. She had no idea if they would get along well, considering they both liked completely opposite things. Maybe things were going to be awkward. But she definitely had two problems in her mind:

A) She was pretty sure that Paxton had no idea who she was.

B) Because of point A), she would have to be the one to approach him.

She opened her locker with a sigh, throwing her backpack inside and taking her Biology books, which she needed for her next class. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even hear or notice the person walking towards her with light steps. She looked up from her books, ready to close her locker, but the face reflecting on the small mirror that she hung in her locker door made her yelp in surprise.

She turned around fast, finding herself face to face with Paxton Hall-Yoshida as she placed a hand over her chest, feeling the rapid beat of her heart. Paxton looked at her confused, a small frown on his face and his head softly tilted to the side. Anna thought he looked kinda cute like that, and she almost self-palmed herself for it. 

"Goddamit, are you trying to kill me?" Anna accused him sarcastically, taking a deep breath before finally closing her locker shut.

Her words seemed to make Paxton even more confused, who shook his head as his frown deepened. "No? Why would I try to kill you?"

Anna opened my mouth to speak, confused about the entire conversion before just snapping it shut and shaking her head. So, he didn't understand her sarcasm. Great start. "Nevermind."

"You're Anna, right? Anna Perez?" He asked, pointing at her with his finger. So he did know who she was... What the hell? "The college councillor said that you were supposed to tutor me?"

"Oh. Yes, that's right." Anna nodded once, bringing the books up to her chest and holding onto them tightly.

"Thank you for doing this, really." He said gratefully, giving Anna a small smile as he scratched the back of his neck. "I really need your help with this. With everything that happened with my arm and all..." 

Anna's attention turned to his left arm, which was covered in a blue cast. She remembered then the whole Devi's party rumor, which included Paxton getting cheated on and hit by a car on the night. She looked up, meeting Paxton's eyes, who was still giving her a grateful expression. In that moment, he didn't look like the popular, unreachable guy who walked the school hallways with his other popular friends. He just seemed normal and... sad. So, in that moment, Anna decided that she was going to do everything in her power to make him believe in himself and to get him into college.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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