Though, your trip here in Fontaine wasn't exactly just a vacation. No, you're here for something else and that is to perform and earn mora. Of course, having fun is important but with more mora in your hand, you'll definitely enjoy it more. Besides, you love performing— whether it be a violin performance, trapeze, or aerial dance.

Especially with no one to dictate you around anymore or tell you how to live your life.

The girl handed you a flyer to which you accepted, skimming through the contents and realized that it's about a magic show that will take place tonight at the Opera Epiclese which is presumably the grand theatre of this nation. ㅤ

Ah, the theatre. The place you were forbidden to visit the moment you have decided that you want to be a performer at the age of seven. But that's all in the past now, you see no point to dwell on it any longer. Hence, you'll only chain yourself in torturous pain.

"Please come and see our show." The girl once again spoke. You stared at her for a moment and back to the flyer you're holding.

'Lyney and Lynette's Magic Show?'

You noticed the two figures dressed in a magician attire that is featured on the flyer and realized something. "Ah, so you're a magician?" You smiled and glanced at the girl beside you. "Lynette, is it?"

Lynette gave you a nod. You noticed that she's not much of a talker. Unlike the boy on the poster beside her, who is probably the one named Lyney. The latter is out here conversing nonstop and has now moved on to a pair of couples; probably encouraging them to attend their show.

Huh, now that you think about it... the two of them looks so similar. Are they perhaps twins?

"Alright, I'll see if I can attend your show." You grinned. Actually, you still have to head to a friend's place to settle in for a while. But hopefully, you'll have enough time to see the show. It looks promising afterall! "It's nice meeting you, Lynette!" You added as Lynette gave you a curt nod.

"Likewise." She meekly replied and turned to her heels, walking away and approaching another person who just happened to pass by.

As you watch Lynette leave, the feeling of being watched crept up to your spine which sent your guard up. The familiar sense of dread you felt as you left your nation back then seems to be crawling its way back to you right now as you bite your inner cheek in anguish.

You scanned your surroundings, searching for the person who is watching you and was surprised yet relieved to meet the gaze of the magician whom you were watching a while ago. His eyes widened a bit when he realized you had caught him staring at you. He didn't realize he was staring after all.

Judging from your attire, you don't look like someone who lives here in Fontaine... your appearance also says it all.

As he recollected his posture, he flashed you a charming smile as he lightly tilted his head, giving you a small wave to which you returned in a skeptical manner.

He's waving at you right?

You looked around you and released a ghost of a sigh. Good, he's waving at you and you're not embarrassing yourself out.

The both of you are still waving at each other and you almost laughed at the silly interaction as you bring your hand down. You flashed the magician a smile and was about to turn around to go on your way when you felt something small yet soft brushing against your legs.

You jolted from where you are standing until you realized that it's only a cat. A black beautiful cat... with strange eyes. Its right eye resembled the shape of a teardrop while the right side resembles the star. It's not the typical eyes of your usual cat, alright but that's what is amazing you more. It also seems to be holding a white rose with its mouth?

You glanced at the magician who sent you a smile as he gestured to you to take the flower as you 'ohh'ed in realization. Oh, so it's his cat?

Crouching down with the same level as the cat, an excited smile drew its way upon your face as you reach your hand to grab the rose. "Thank you so much, lovely!" You gave it a pat as it leaned to your touch, purring softly.

You adore cats so much. They're one of your biggest comforts in life. You remember how you often visit 'The Cat's Tail' with your cousin back in Mondstadt — well, she was forced; but nonetheless she still occasionally went along with you. After all, the reason for your visits at such place was the comfort that the cats bring you. The comfort that temporarily takes the pain and pressure away of a young girl who is supposed to act and live like a child, temporarily free from the world's cruelty.

"It seems like my cat took a liking to you." A masculine voice spoke behind you. You turned your head to look up and saw the magician now standing in front of you, his gloved hand reaching out to you— offering you to let him help you stand up from your crouching position.

Now, you are capable of getting up on your own but you thought that it would be plain rude to just brush off his kind gentleman gesture. So, you took his hand as he carefully pulled you up to your feet.

You flashed him a thankful smile as you gazed back at the cat. "Your cat is lovely."

A chuckle escaped his lips as he nodded at your statement in agreement. "You are indeed correct with there." He spoke as he smiled fondly at his cat. He kneeled down and gently picked up the cat, now cradling it as he boop its nose before turning back at you.

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