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When u turn into a babby~


• he would be confused when he sees a baby in his room, but he's smart, he'll soon put two and two together and realise its u before he decides to dump u in the trashcan thinking ur some stray baby. 

•He immediately decides to kill solomon for this, cause no one else is a harry potter here. 

•He notices u moving towards the edge of the bed, and grabs u in a swift moment before u manage to deform ur face by falling face fist on the floor.

•Decides to take care of you first. He feeds you and plays with u. he is very good with kids, as yeah....he took care of his brothers ^^

•sets u to sleep and cuddles you.

•low-key happy (Still kills solomon tho 💀. RIP 😭)

💛- Mammon

•2 words! FREAKS OUT

•He decides to get rid of you. (ofc because he doesn't know ish u)

•He tried the window, but thinks that it would be messy to throw u out

•front door? naaah! satan there!

•Last resort, he asks you for help but cant find you! eventualy realizes and freaks out again (Because of how cute u are ^^)

•he does some serious research abt babies and ends up asking satan, totally not making him suspicious in the process. (Satan thought mammon became a father and wanted to hide that from luci, lol 💀)

•He ends up feeding u a LOT of dairy! 

•You wake up the next day with ur insides twisting

🧡- Levi

•Same reaction a mammon, but realizes sooner than him

•He links this to an anime he watched. 

•teaches you to become a baby superstar like the anime

•Almost killed you in the process, but you turned out fine.

•he even sacrificed his entire day to take care of you. He didn't watch anime nor play! ( be grateful! )

💚- Satan

•He was reading a book when he found smt pulling the fabric of his pants.

•vola! ish a baby ✨

• realizes immediately, like lucifer

•decides to go on a hunting spree for a certain human wizard boy 💀

•He read a lot of books abt babies, and took excellent care of you!

💖- Asmo

•He takes quite a while to realize who the baby eating his make up was

•When he does, he doesnt even care abt his ruined make up and beguns squealing on how cute u are!

•Dress up time! 💃🏻 

•spa time! ✨ 

•make up time! 💅🏻

•Devigram time! 📸

•more dress up 💃🏻

•he's tired...he throws u away (jk!) 

•you have a lot of fun and are perfectly fine and beautiful in the morning! ^^

❤️- Beel

•Was 'cleaning' the fridge as lucifer asked him to(Yeah.... luci regretted asking him)! he spotted a baby on the floor. Tries to eat u 💀

•but he notices his necklace on you and realizes that he gave it to you in the morning as you where begging for it. Lucky you!

•He ensures to be very gentle and not break u. He feeds you well and plays with you. 

•He is honest and shows lucifer. Lucifer is busy so he asks beel to take care of you and gave him good advice!

💜- Belphie

•He is usualy doesnt care, but he luvs you, so he takes good care of you!

•tries not to kill you when u wake him up from his sleep 

•Ends up making you sleep as well

the end ^^

🖤- Diavolo

•after examining you like a piece of trash, he realizes that the baby in his hands was his dear human!

•buys u every damn toy in devildom and plays with u 😃

•Takes u on a flying trip across devildom! 😇

•wait...doesn't he have paperwork? 




let lucifer handle that 💀

and barbatos takes care of ur diaper change ^^ 


•He ish 🫐berry good in parental care!

•cooks u the perfect meal!

•you two watch black butler together ^^

•diavolo played with u as well!

•Solomon is dead again 💀


•Thish pure angel first thought of donating you to the church! soon enough..he realizes✨ yippee! ur no church baby 😃

•He is very gentle and takes nice care of you!

•he tells u a lot of stories abt lucifer when he was an angel

•sings u lullabies to sleep ^^


•He feels like an afult after he realises he ish responsible for you!

•he bakes u delicious sweets and u end up falling into a bag of flour! so he gives u a shower and dresses u with his clothes which he had as a baby!

•u look like siblings! an adorable pair! 

•simeon is proud of the two of u ^^ 


•You and him where where in the purgatory hall! simeon was bringing out hi inner harry potter and brewing potions!

•Done! now he needed a guinea pig!and you happened to be infront of him! his favourite test subject ^^

•you having a death wish drank the potion! 😃

•the next thing u know, solomon is a giant! u crael towards the mirror and see a baby! chubby cheeks and saliva running down ur mouth

•u glare at solomon and he chuckles nervously! he uses ur DDD to text lucifer saying u where bunking here for the night and not to come searching for u!

•u end up watching movies and eating ice cream! finaly u two fall asleep ^^


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