Rack off

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This chapter includes mention of death, mention of physical abuse.

"I don't know why I bother".

"You don't have to protect me anymore Sarah I can look after myself!"

"than do it, he's out there go, leave"

"You're the worst sister ever I HATE you!" Sarah walked out the door and walked out of the house.

"Evelyn Stone" the police man began.

"yes that's me"

"is your father or mother home"

"there asleep early work tomorrow"

"okay, your Sister Sarah"

"do you know where she is? She ran out earlier and I haven't seen her."

"she um...she was found dead this afternoon" Evelyn's heart stopped.


"she was at the bottom of Austin road she jumped. This was in her pocket it's for you".


Spider wrapped an arm around me walking into school we began walking toward the courtyard, students were everywhere crowded in a large circle. We walked over and he made them all move out of the way so I didn't touch anyone, when we reached the middle, we were meet with the sight of Malakai holding flowers and large heart balloon that had will you be my girlfriends written on it. "wow despite much" spider said beside me. I smack his chest and look back over to see Amerie walking up to Malakai she took the flowers and there was a mutter from her before everyone began to walk away.

"come on beautiful" spider smiled to me heading toward the school.

"I've gotta go to art" I whispered to him. Harper than reached up and said hello.

"Okay, Harper take her to art for me please" I rolled my eyes.

"I can take myself. It's not like were in the same class" I laughed, and Harper joined in.

"Let's go Evie".

"I'll be at basketball if you need me at all." He said smiling to me and kissing my forehead. "I love you"

"I Love you" I said as he walked away. Harper turned to me with wide eyes.

"um since when?" she questioned wrapping an arm around mine and heading to class.

"last night"

We reached the art room and when to sit in the back. "Thankyou for being on time today everyone. Today we are going to paint or draw our feeling in whichever way you need, picture your feelings and what they represent than put them on paper." The teacher began stopping our convocation, Harper and I pulled out our drawing books and began with our project.

Spider's POV:

"My man. Acting all gentle and shit." Ant began as we all piled into the change rooms.

"Get 'em!"

"I haven't got her yet, bro."

"What were the flowers for? I said looking at the idiots around me.

"He's a simp, not a pimp." Ant joked.

"Simp!" every one began to chant till our couch came into the room.

"Congratulations, Spider. You made A-grade. You happy?" couch said putting a hand around my shoulder he than turned to Malakai. "If you put as much effort in training as you did trying to cop a root, you'd have made the team." He than left and went back to his office.

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