Chapter two -first hello-

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Lance stood next to Allura and watched as a Galra ship flew in and landed in front of them. King Alfor smiled politely and watched as the ship door opened. A tall buff Galra soldier wearing a helmet walked out beside a Galra with a mullet.
That's the prince of the Galra? The grim reaper of the Galra?
Lance glanced at Allura who had a glare. Lance turned back to the two Galra and watched as they walked over to king Alfor, they both bowed politely and shook his hand. Lance couldn't help but stare at the Galra prince.
"Im keith," the Galra prince said shaking king Alfor's hand, "it's good to finally meet you" he sounded polite and firm, but he also looked tired, i mean can you see those eyebags? What is he an insomniac?
King Alfor smiled as he shook his hand "it's good to finally meet you too, we are very pleased to have you staying here with us" just from the way Keith looked at them he had doubt and lance could tell, he smiled at Keith but Allura just glared. King alfor turned to the two of them and they walked forward.
"These are my children, lance, and allura" king alfor had a soft smile as he introduced them. Keith nodded and lance stuck out his hand to shake keiths.
"Im Lance, the prince of altea" allura side eyed him as he did this and it was clear she didn't like lance interacting with him. Keith looked down at his hand and shook it.
"Nice to meet you...lance" Keith's voice was firm yet polite, lance couldn't help but see a tone in his voice, like an im better than you tone, or and i don't really care. It kinda ticked him off but he just smiled. Keith looked at allura and then looked back at king alfor. Allura clearly had no desire to socialize with the galra prince.
King alfor cleared his throat to break the awkward tension. "Ahem," they all looked at him, "how about my children show you to your room? You must be tired from your flight."
Keith looked at the galra guard and nodded and then looked back at king alfor. "Alright then,"  the galra guard walked over and put his hand on keiths shoulder and handed him a duffel bag which Lance assumes is his stuff. Lance looks at Keith and smiles and Keith looks a bit confused but also has a cold look in his eyes.
"Well, come on then." Allura says turning to leave, Lance looks at Keith and then follows Allura, Keith walks beside Lance down a few hallways.
The walk is silent and awkward, lance glances at Keith a few times curiously. Keith looks at Lance and has a strange expression on his face and Lance immediately turns away. Keith looks back in front of him and Allura stops in front of a door and opens it.
"Here it is." allura grumbles.
The room is very spacious, there is a large bed with blue and gold sheets and pillows, there is a large window and large closet in the back of the room. Keith looks confused but walks in and places his stuff by the bed.
He turns back to them "thank you." He sounded cold,but he also sounded like he meant it. His personality was very confusing. Lance smiled at him brightly but Allura just frowned. Lance looked at Allura and let out an awkward laugh.
"Allura, maybe we should let him unpack?" Allura glanced at lance and then turned to leave.
"Alright" as Allura started to walk away, Lance stayed in the doorway, Keith watched him with a brow raised.
Lance finally broke the silence "sorry about her attitude, she's just not particularly comfy" Keith just looked at him as if he had two heads.
"No way." Keith said sarcastically. Lance smiled softly at what he thinks is sarcasm, he didn't expect keith to make a joke, he just didn't seem like the type. 
Lance laughs awkwardly and turns to leave "well-uh-..have a fun time unpacking?" it was clear that he had no idea what to say or do. Keith nodded and Lance walked away regretting every single second of that conversation.
Why did he sound so awkward? Why does he have such a split personality? Why does he have a mullet this day in age? Either way Lance had no idea how to have a conversation with him.

Keith watched as Lance left awkwardly and couldn't help but be regretful and confused. Did he not think the joke was funny? Was he that awkward?  He sat down on the bed and looked around the room.
Not to mention the giant room, this is just a guest bedroom and yet it looks like it was made for a king. Did it even feel right to stay in this room? It was so much different than his small room. You could fit anything you wanted in here, in his regular room you could only fit the essentials. I guess that's what shows a difference between alteans and galra.
How is he ever supposed to get along with these alteans if they don't even want to be in the same room as him, i mean did anyone see the glare allura was giving him? Well obviously her brother noticed but did it even matter? He seemed nice but how long was that going to last.
Keith just sat in that room with his head buried in his hand over thinking, he was way too tired for this. Jet lag was a thing.
Keith glanced at his duffel bag and took out his sketchbook. He looked around and noticed the pillows, a blue sheet with gold embroidery. It was a beautiful pattern. Keith took out a small pencil and started to sketch the pillow. There was nothing he liked more than to draw things he thought were beautiful. He wanted to keep those things with him wherever he went, so he came into the habit of drawing them.
After a while of drawing the pillow from a few different angles Keith set down the sketch-book. His wrist ached now from drawing, Keith took a large sighs and hid the sketchbook under the pillow so that shiro wouldn't find it. If he saw what Keith drew in there he wouldn't hear the end of it. The sketchbook was halfway filled, there were drawings of animals, plants and even people, most of the people were just mediocre drawings of shiro and adam being all lovey dovey, there were some of keiths brother,lotor. Keith's favorite drawing of lotor was when lotor let him braid his hair and draw it. Lotor was banished a while ago, but he still sometimes calls Keith just to catch up with him. He didn't receive these calls often though.
Keith heard a knock come from the door.
"Come in?" Shiro walked in with a bright smile on his face, and Keith rolled his eyes with a tiny smile. To be honest he was a little happy to see Shiro there.
"How's it going keith!" shiro asked, making his way over to Keith and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Fine, I unpacked and everything seems to be in order." Keith gave a firm response but had a tiny smile on his face. Shiro smiled and ruffled keith's hair
"That's some good news!" Shiro laughed as Keith tried to push his arm away.
"Hey! What the hell!" Keith grumbled. Shiro smiled and removed his hand. He looked around the spacious room.
"Quite different from the galra rooms, right?" Shiro said as he continued to look around.
"I guess, it's much bigger." Keith replied, the room was so much bigger than the galra rooms.
Shiro turned back to Keith with a smile "well, better not get side tracked, king alfor wanted to see if you were up to joining them for dinner tonight," Keith thought about it for a moment.
Dinner, with a bunch of alteans, sounds like a death wish. Whether he really dies or not, all of them will be looking at him with the same hateful look.
Keith sighed "yeah, alright." Shiro smiled and stood up.
"Alrighty! Let's go then, don't want to be late."
Shiro stood up and Keith followed him out of the room towards the dining hall. Or what Keith thought would be a soon to be death wish.

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