CHP. 7 Day After

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Isaiah's POV:
Well, that just happened.

I know me and her weren't close at all, but knowing that she has no one to take care of her right now really put me into my daddy space.

I've been a daddy dom for a couple of years now, i've had 2 littles in the past who used me for money, but we're not talking about that right now. My main focus is Lana.

She's in my arms right now, hugging me tightly, it's only 4:00 AM but i haven't gotten good sleep.

I don't understand why i feel this way, we're supposed to be literal enemies but i have always had a soft spot for her.

I know i've been mean to her almost everyday, and how i'm basically her bully, but i really do care about her.

She's probably still pissed I spanked the fuck out of her ass last night, but she needed it.

Yeah, I feel bad but it was for her own good.

When it comes to littles i'm kinda strict, but that's only because i'm really protective, almost overprotective.

"Mmh.. zayyy" i hear Aliana whimper

"Yes Lana?" I ask, confused on why she's awake.

"Can you give me my phone?" she asks, looking up at me in my arms.

"It's 4:00 Lana, go back to sleep." i whisper softly

"No, i'm not tired anymore." she whispers back softly before wiggling out my arms and sitting up.

"Ow!" I hear her yelp

"What happened?!" I ask quickly while sitting up and looking at her.

"My ass is just sore, calm down." she says while getting up

"Tone. And where are you going?" I ask, even more confused

"Sorry. And i'm not going anywhere i just wanted to get up" She says, shrugging her shoulders

I chuckled lightly and get up to go to the kitchen, i need a drink.

"Where are you going?" she asks following behind me, like a lost puppy.

"I'm just getting some water baby.. You thirsty?" i ask while looking back down at her

"Mhm.. and don't call me that i'm not your baby!" she says following closer behind me

"Mhm sure whatever you say baby." i tease

Hey, just because we're a little closer doesn't mean i cant tease her just a little.

As we walk into the kitchen and i grab two glasses im now thinking about what her little age could be, 3? no 4? i'll try to figure it out later i guess.

i fill two glasses and set them on the dinner table in the center of the room while Aliana went to go sit on the couch, still watching me.

"Lana, i have a question." I ask as she walks over to the dining table

"Yeah?" she says softly while picking up a glass of water

"What's your little age?" I ask while taking a sip of my water

She blushes slightly and looks down at her feet, clearly thinking of an answer.

"uh well, i-i think 4?" she says almost like she's asking me.

"Hm. Alright." i say putting my glass back down on the table while sitting on the chair.

"And i wanted to say uh- thanks for you know.. taking care of me and stuff tonight i really appreciate it."

Lana says while sitting down next to me, as soon as her ass made contact with the seat she hissed in pain and got back up

"Yeah no im not sitting down." She says annoyed

"Aw my poor baby.. come here" i say before grabbing her waist and pulling her into my lap, positioning her to where she's straddling me

"Mmh.." i hear her whimper softly

"Can we talk? Like about something serious?"
i ask softly as she looks up at me

god, she looks so adorable sitting in my lap.

"Mhm" she mumbles

"I prefer words sweetheart." i say strictly as she blushes at the same

"Yes." she mumbles slightly

"Alright, well i know we aren't exactly on the best terms and i know you probably hate me and i understand why, i guess the reason i've always been mean to you is because i didn't know how to cope with my feelings for you."

i say as she hides her face in my neck

"I don't hate you, i never did. If anything i've liked you for a while now, i just didn't want to accept it. Since we where kids, i've always wanted to protect you and take care of you."

i say slightly embarrassed

it feels so good telling her this, but i know she doesn't feel the same.

"is that why you don't let guys talk to me that much?" she asks

"W-What? What do you mean?" I chuckle in embarrassment

"You literally yelled at Mr. Martinez for getting to close to me." she giggles

"I didn't think you heard me yell at him.. but i mean everything i said." i say seriously.

"I've liked you since 6th grade, Isaiah."

"You're joking." i say genuinely surprised

"i thought you knew, i thought that was why you picked on me." she says getting off my lap

i pull her back onto my lap, still carful with her bottom.

"I like it when you sit on my lap." i say boldly, if there's one thing i know how to do it's make Lana flustered.

Her face turns slightly pink as she hides her face in my neck again.

"Lana, i want you to be honest. Do you really like me?"
i ask quietly.

"Yes!" she mumbles slightly as she pushes her face deeper into my neck

"I like you to Lana."

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