CHP.4 Keybored

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Alianas POV
Isaiah quickly pulls me away from Damien, i can already feel myself slipping into little space a bit.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?! She clearly said no dumbass!" Isaiah yells at Damien while he just scoffs and starts walking away in anger

"Are you okay?" Isaiah asks worried but i can barley get any words out, i'm slipping deeper and deeper into little space as i start crying harder

i cover my face with my hands, i just wanna go home.

"hey hey hey, it's okay i'm here, come here." Isaiah says pulling me closer to him.

i guess he kinda already knew i was a little, it kinda explains why i'm so sensitive to everything but he's never shown this much care for me.

i start crying into his shoulder as he wraps his arms around me, rubbing my back.

"come on, let's get out of here." he says before picking me up in one swift motion

i wrap my legs around his waist and hide my face in his neck, still crying and scared.

"hey where are you goi-"

"get the fuck out of my way." Isaiah cuts Eli off as we walk out the front door

he walks to his car, still carrying me all while ignoring everyone else talking to him

he opens the passenger seat to his car and gently sets my down while buckling me up

at this point im sniffling and fully in little space.
i just wanna go home.

"sit tight okay? we'll be home soon." he says before closing the door and walking to the driver side

i'm sitting in the passenger seat hiding my face in my knees while looking out the window, why is he helping me?
He pulls into his drive way, putting the car in park as he looks down at me making sure i'm okay but i'm already asleep, car rides always make me really sleepy.

he gets out of the car and walks over to the passenger side opening the door and unbuckling my seat belt, i slowly woke up, still in my little space

he gently picks me up again, holding me on his hip as i wrap my arms around his neck.

"Are you okay?" he asks concerned
"mhm.." i mumble hiding my face in his neck once again

he walks up to the door, unlocking it with this key and entering the house making sure to close the door quietly trying not to startle me

as he walks up the stairs to his room, i start squirming a bit wanting to get down

"no no no, stop squirming we're almost there" he says sternly as he walks us into his massive bedroom, he closes the door and locks it as he places me on his king sized bed.

"stay here, i'm gonna get you some clothes okay?" he says as i nod my head, he walks off into his closet

i've never been in his room, i wanna see what's in it! i hop off the bed and start looking around, he has a pretty cool gaming set up so that's the first thing i go up to

i start playing around with his keyboard, it's a big, LED keyboard that makes the little clicky noise i love hearing!

as i'm playing around with his keyboard he walks back into his room

"Aliana?" he says, towering over me
when did he get so close?

i jump a bit and look up to him

"didn't i say stay over there?"

"sorry.." i say looking down, i'm not scared of him or anything but he has a pretty intimidating voice so i almost always listen to him when he uses it

"it's alright little girl, come here" he says before pulling me over to the bed

"is it okay if i change you into this?" he says holding up a t-shirt

i nod my head, i just wanna play with his keyboard so im not really paying attention to what he's telling me

"use your words little girl" he says grabbing my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"w-wes" i say blushing slightly

"thank you darling" he says before quickly taking off my heels

"arms up" he says motioning for me to put my arms up so he can pull up my dress

i quickly put my arms off, not really mindful of what's happening, i don't really care i just wanna play with his keyboard.

he quickly pulls off my dress, leaving me in my light pink Victoria Secret bra and white lacy panties

i slightly blush as he puts one of his t-shirts on me, it's really baggy and goes up to my knees.

"w-what bout pwants?" i ask looking up at him

"all of my sweats are to big for you, plus the shirt already goes up to your knees so you don't need any alright?"

"otay" i say while swinging my legs back and forward

he takes the hair bands out of my hair gently, leaving my hair down as my wavy hair hits my back

"all done" he smiles warmly at me
"do you want anything to eat?" he asks, he knows i haven't eaten today, but still asks to see if i lie or not, jokes on him. of course i will.

"nuh uh" i say as my stomach growls.

"well that's not what your stomach's saying, come on we're gonna go eat." he says, pulling me off the bed and picking me up again

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