Thirty One

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The dad dance is my favorite thing to teach. A room full of grown men who aren't very eager to be there and act like my baby ballerinas. Most of them were forced to be here by their wives or children. And since I can acknowledge that, I go easy on them.

My newest pupil who has a very bad case of the sillies? None other than Mr. Harry Styles. A menace in my class compared to his angelic daughter.

He showed up in the most unserious outfit I've seen in a long time and the front of his hair clipped back and out of his face. It genuinely made me laugh the moment he walked in looking like that.

Not to mention how needy he is. Suddenly the person who knows everything has an empty head and can't do a basic dance move. I know it's just because he wants me to touch him and be hands on, but he's not the only person in this rehearsal!

And the jealousy. God, I've never seen a man so jealous. Godforbid I help one of the other dad's out with something, he all but throws himself on the floor and throws a fit. The second I don't pick him to use as an example, he has a pout and will say he doesn't understand the move and needs my help.

I don't think I've ever seen this side of him before. Sure, I've never been the only woman teaching grown men in his presence, but this is my job. I didn't think he would get so jealous. He has a real disdain for one of the younger dads, Bryan, who I might add is the only one picking up the choreography quickly. So of course I'm gonna use him as a demonstration.

Checking the time, I notice I should start wrapping up. Thankfully it's not too difficult to get the guys to stop, since they're more than ready to leave. The kids on the other hand always love pretending they don't hear me so they can keep dancing.

"Alright guys, this was a great first rehearsal! I'm gonna send out a text on Monday so we can pin down a date and time for next week's rehearsal so keep an eye out for that! And if anyone has any questions go ahead and send me a text, I'll try and respond as soon as possible."

The guys all nod, saying their goodbyes as they go to grab their stuff and head out. As usual, I head out to the front desk just to start putting stuff away, filling Gina in with how dad rehearsals went. We always find ourselves something to laugh about when it comes to the dads.

Out of my peripheral, I see Harry walking out of the studio while chatting with Xander, Zara's dad. The two have clearly gotten close over the last few months because their daughters have become best friends, and it's nice to see that Harry is making friends. Sometimes I get worried about how he only really hangs out with Warren.

The two shake hands and Harry lingers in the lobby, pretending to be texting or sending an email. He put his hoodie back on, but is still wearing his tiny neon shorts. And he scolds me for going out in the cold wearing the wrong clothes.

I pretend to ignore him, in part because I want to tease, but also out of respect for Gina. I know she doesn't mind that there's something going on between Harry and me, but I still feel weird about bringing it into the dance studio. So, I head back into the studio to start cleaning without giving him a second glance.

It doesn't take too long for him to follow me in, slipping his phone into the front pocket of his hoodie. "Did you forget something, Mr. Styles? We're closed."

He smirks at me through the mirror, "You really think I'm going home right away? I told Claudia that rehearsals may run late." He wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

"Lying to the babysitter. And she believed you?"

"Is it a lie if I need the instructor to help me? I barely understood anything she was saying."

Jezebel |h.s|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora