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3rd person

"I know you set him up to this," Jisung angrily glared at Minho, who put his hands up in defense.

"Hey, no ones hurt!"

"Except for my goddamn brother," Jisung took a step forward.

Minho hadn't seen this side of Jisung. He only knew him as a fun, party-going, interesting boy. 

"Look, the kid- I mean, your brother, will be okay."

"I cant believe you." Jisung shook his head. 

"Jisung, it was just a harmless bet."

"Harmless?" Jisung grabbed Minho's shirt collar, pulling him closer. "Harmless to everyone, except for my brother. Felix has been through enough, okay? And now, I get to watch him mope around, because you made a bet with someone. His feelings were played with. You should be lucky our parents arent around, or else your life would have been made a living hell."


"Dont talk to me." Jisung glared at Minho. "Leave, now."

"Wait, Ji-"

"Whatever we had," Jisung rubbed his temple. "Is over, now."

"Wait, don't do that to me! Things were just getting where I wanted them! We were finally about to be together-"

"You don't like your heart being broken, either, now do you?" Jisung said softly. "Now you know how Felix feels. Leave, now."

The Bet / / HyunLixWhere stories live. Discover now