❝𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰! 𝐚 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐜❞

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HARLEE FORESTER walked into her new school, head held high. if there was one thing her mother taught her, it was to be confident at all times. she took long, confident strides through the hallways of William Mckinley, walking past everyone, only to be brushed aside by an afro kid with a microphone.

"How has life been since the birth of your bastard child?", he asked a blonde-haired girl in a white dress

"Well, I'm happy to be back and I'm ready to start fresh. and, I'm a lot less hormonal", The blonde responded, her voice shaking.

"How was your summer?", the afro-haired kid asked, pointing the camera down at a girl in a cheerleading outfit's chest.

"My eyes are up here, Jewfro," the girl said, earning a small smile from Harlee, "and it was uneventful"

"People thought I went on vacation, but actually I spent the summer lost in the sewers", another girl with a cheerleading outfit said, causing everyone to look confused.

Harlee walked past the three girls, towards the office, to retrieve her schedule. After retrieving her schedule, she headed to her first class, Spanish with a Mr.Schuester. She quickly navigated herself towards the spanish classroom, watching out for the plethora of high schoolers surrounding her. She walked into the Spanish classroom, only to be greeted by the faces of the cheerleaders she saw out in the hall. A small friendly smile made its way onto her face, a way to let the others know she was greeting them, and she got a couple of friendly smiles from the blondes, but the brunette crinkled her nose in disgust, wiping the smile completely off Harlee's face. The peppy blonde waved Harlee over, and motioned to the seat next to her, while the brunette was directly behind Harlee and the other blonde was next to the brunette, behind the blonde sitting next to Harlee.

"I'm Brittany S. Pierce, but you can just call me Britt! I just wanted to say that I love your shoes so much! They're so cute, and my cat Lord Tubbington would love to snuggle up to them!", Britt exclaimed, an infectious smile on her face, spreading onto Harlee's.

"Nice to meet you Britt! I'm Harlee Foster, but you can call me Harl's!", Harlee grinned, causing Santana to roll her eyes.

"Are you new here, I've never seen you here before, oh, also my names Quinn, pleasure to meet you", Quinn said, while sticking out her hand, for a shake.

"Yeah, I moved here like a couple weeks ago, from Roanoke, Virginia.", she said, catching Santana's train of thought

"Aren't they, like hella racist down there", she finally said, her voice mesmerizing Harlee. Well, not only her voice, but her looks too. She was a beauty, and Harlee considered herself a beast. No one would want someone who acted manly and tomboyish yet feminine at the same time. 

"get those thoughts out of your head, harlee. shes straight", Harlee scolded herself, before answering the girls question.

"They are, but being a person of color and gay helps you build a thick skin, you know.", Harlee joked, causing Brittany to smile.

"So you're like Lady Hummel, you should join the Glee club, lots of gaybos like you are there", Santana said to Harlee, while looking her up and down, in a more suggestive look.

"Just ignore her, between you and me, Santana and I have shared quite a bunch of sweet lady kisses, although I don't know if that makes her gay or just a lover of sweet lady kisses", Brittany whispered into Harlee's ear, giving some hope to the Indian.

"Although Santana is right, you should join the Glee club! We would love to have you there!", Quinn happily said. 

"Santana, that's her name.", Harlee thought to herself, finding herself once again mesmerized by the hispanic. In the background of her daydream, she could hear the bell ringing, which grasped her attention.

"Tryouts are after school, we hope to see you there!", Brittany smiled, before the trio got up, to head to their next class.


Harlee's next 3 periods and lunch went by soon, and following after lunch was pre-calculus. Now, Harlee was NOT a big fan of math, but along she trudged to her class. She got there right as the bell rang, leaving one empty seat, of course, next to the girl that captured her eye, Santana.

"Great, I'm sitting next to Ms. Virginia for the rest of the year", Santana groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Be glad you're sitting next to me and not some smelly football player, hairline.", Harlee sniped back, having had enough of Santana's bad attitude. 

"Why the fuck would you call me hairline", Santana exclaimed, getting angry.

"Your ponytail is so tight it's gonna recede your hairline, and a pretty person like you wouldn't want that to happen, right?" Harlee said while shrugging. Santana's cheeks flushed a light red after Harlee called her pretty, but Harlee slumped into her seat next to Santana right after she told Santana she was pretty. Pre Calc went by pretty fast, the two girls just talking about life and glee club and Brittany. 

"Are you actually going to go to the tryouts for Glee?" Santana asked

"Yeah, I'll either sing one of my original songs or maybe the greatest show, from the greatest showman, that's my favorite theatrical movie!!", Harlee gleamed, causing Santana to smile.

"What the fuck is happening to me, I literally hated this girl the moment I laid my eyes on her, and now I'm smiling when I see her smile... That's literally not okay because I'm straight.", Santana mentally scolded herself, but not being able to wipe the dopey smile off her face.

"Well, I have to get to my next class, but I hope we will see each other at Glee!" Santana smiled, before getting up to leave for her next class.

"That was so weird, she hated me at first but now she's being friendly with me...", Harlee thought to herself, before getting up and walking towards her favorite class ever, Home Economics. Just the thought of baking made her smile, it was one of the two ways she could relieve herself from stress, baking and writing songs. 

lolas corner

first chapter, def gonna have like a friends to flirts to friends to flirts to another girl starts hitting on harlee to possessive santana and then to lovers but while in lovers other people are trying to break them up

STORY OF MY LIFE... santana lopezWhere stories live. Discover now