Pollen. ( Luelia platonic. )

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Era: The golden trio.
Year: 3
Warning: None.

Amelia Ginny and Luna were having a picnic under an old tree by the black lake. When will he get here? Lun asked swinging upside down from the tree Amelia shrugged. Who cares I'm eating. Ginny said taking a bite out of a turkey sandwich Amelia rolled her eyes. And you say Ron can eat more. Amelia said Ginny rolled her eyes and continued to eat. I'm here! Neville said running up to the girls nearly scaring Luna out of the tree. What happened to you? Ginny asked Neville looked at his clothes which had turned completely yellow with all the pollen on him. One of the plants I was working with exploded on me. Neville said Luna giggled Amelia started to having a sneezing fit. Go change before I stop breathing. Amelia said in between sneezes. Sorry. Neville said then ran off. Here. Luna handed Amelia some allergy meds and Ginny gave her some pumpkin juice. Thanks. Amelia said taking the pills. I swear that kid is going to be the death of me. Amelia said falling back Luna got down from the tree and put the rest of the pills away before sitting down. Let's just hope he doesn't forget what he is supposed to be doing. Ginny said the three girls laughed. I wouldn't be surprised if he lost his remembrall... Again. Luna said they all started to laugh again. 

This was recommended by Cruellagirl. ( A friend of mine on Quotve. )

I can feel my allergies acting up just by writing this.

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