Veronica turns to Kevin and I  " who or what is the southside serpent?" I stay quiet, not wanting to answer, and hear that I will push my new friends away with me being friends with a gang " they're this gang of bikers who pretty much stays on the south side of town, and thank god because they're sort of dangerous" I glare a bit at Kevin but cover it up before they notice " drug dealers and petty thieves" he finished " then what was our mom doing with one of them?" She asks looking at me as I had to play dumb

Later that night as we return home, Veronica pulls me into the room to talk to our mother who automatically goes to telling us how tired she was after work "mom." Veronica says quietly. And our mom looks between us as she drinks her wine

" Cheryl showed me a picture well showed us a picture you were standing behind pops with a Southside serpent" I look at Mom worriedly for a second, and then see what she says to avoid talking about it more as she does best she opens her mouth to speak, but Veronica says " Those guys are thugs. What were you doing?" Mom giggles a bit. Then says. " first of all, you have nothing to worry about. Come here sit." we both sit on her foot rest. " now remember girls I grew up here the southside serpents maybe from the wrong side of the tracks. But I went to high school with some of them I was just being polite." I nod quietly happy with her answer " Cheryl said it looked like you were arguing" Veronica pushes "arguing? Hardly." She laughs "he made a lewd comment and I put him in his place-" Veronica stops her "mom if you're in some kind of trouble-" she smiles at us "I'm not Mija and when have I ever lied to either of you?" Veronica stays quiet, as I stand up to grab her hand and pull her away. As we get to my room, I close the door. "See V it's fine let's go to bed ok?" She nods and makes her way to her room


Kevin and Veronica sit in the back of Kevin's truck as I walk around looking for my friends. I quickly spot the serpents and run up to sweet pea who picks me up and spins me around. "AH PRINCESS" I giggle as he puts me down "hai sweet pea " I give him a small kiss on his cheek not wanting to admit myself that I have developed small feelings for the southside serpent that stands in front of me.

Soon we all settle and watch the movie as FP walks past us the serpents laughing, and making noise Kevin soon telling us to shut up in his own way them all making fun of him and throwing popcorn as Joaquin checks out Kevin and I think I'm the only one to notice and soon Veronica stands up "oh no" I mumble " Hey, do you know what happens to a snake? Went to Louis Vuitton heel steps on it? Shut the hell up or you'll find out" I shake my head as other people watching the movie applaud her "damn it V" I whisper " Sorry about my sister guys she think she's entitled..." I roll my eyes sweet pea sits next to me again "that's your sister? You guys are nothing alike." I giggle and push him a little bit. " remember pea I'm adopted to them. I'm a street rat to make them look like better people for taking me in" I lean against sweet pea as we watch the movie Joaquin stands up and follows where Kevin went to get his refill in person behind the shack and I giggle softly "well this should be fun" I look forward and I see Veronica, watching me with the serpents and my eyes go wide I ignore her the rest of the movie and then afterwards sheriff Keller and Kevin give me a ride home. Where Veronica is waiting. "Oh hey.. V" I say awkwardly

" sit we are waiting for mom.." I do as she says, and soon our mother comes walking in shocked to see us sitting there " what the hell was that?" She looks at both of us. Looking at me first. " you acted like in school and when we came to talk to mom that you did not know who the southside serpents were and then I see you cuddled up to one at the movie." She snaps. I stand ready to defend myself " they are my friends V they treat me better than I get treated at Riverdale I am barely noticed a Riverdale it's just you, Betty, Archie, jughead, and Kevin, I'm just not fitting in with the group, and for all, I know I was being led on by jughead while he waits for Betty to make her decision on who she wants and I am not going to stick by for that, so maybe I'm going to hang out with friends and maybe I will cuddle up to one of them don't try and start shit with me just because you're alone and you want to believe gossip because trust me the serpents are not that bad. They actually take care of me when I am there with them." She says nothing to me, then turns to our mother. Or should I say her mother " and you, I saw you with that biker guy that serpent. And don't tell me you were just being polite." Her mom sets her purse down. " I was handling some unfinished business from your father." Veronica scoffs " I'm going to need more than that mom, details, specifics."

Hermione looked uncomfortable, but gave in telling us to sit " your father hired the southside serpents to help decrease the value of the drive-in's land so he could purchase it at a cheaper price using an offshore LLC, and what you saw was me paying them for a job well done" I sit there silently taking it all in as Veronica paces the room "so.. Daddy's the anonymous buyer?" Hermione nods " and he's doing this from jail?"  we both look at Hermione. " he has an extremely long reach, your father and his sons, every last penny, that we have into this deal" I stand up "so Dad really is.." I start while Veronica sits "Dad is a business man he saw an opportunity and he took it, and it was happening anyway old riverdale's dying he's just simply helping it along" Hermione says  "but it's wrong" I say and Veronica nods in agreement  "wrong? Well, did you like living at the Dakota with Central Park view? Did you like your personal shopping account at Barneys? How about our family dinner at Jean Georges?  Your Hermes?"

" those are just things mom.." Veronica says "that was our life girls provided to us by your father understand?" We nod soon going off to change and I meet Veronica in her room " what are we going to do now V knowing what we know" I say softly at the door " do you think I want to talk to you right now? After seeing you covered up with somebody that's in a gang. Somebody we were warned about. Do you think we are OK? We are not sisters y/n you were just a charity case that my parents took him to take the heat off of my father at the time we just kept you, so it wouldn't look that way stop pretending like we are sisters and that my parents are your parents from all the information we have gathered it looks like your parents didn't want you so stop pretending that we want you as well" she says, as she steps closer until I am out of her room, and at the end, she slams her door in my face, and I am left there in shock as I slowly walk back to my room deep down. I always knew it was true. I just didn't want to accept it...

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