Day Two

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As I walk into school I walk up to Betty and Kevin "hey lovelies what's going on you look serious."  Kevin whispers "I was at sweetwater  river and found Jason.. he was shot not drowned" my eyes go wide "oh shit.. so it's a murder investigation now?!" I ask quietly and they nod and I lean against my locker and down the hall I see Jughead walk up to Archie as Jughead says something Archie gets serious and closed his locker quickly "guys I'll be right back." I quickly walk up to Archie and Jughead as I hear Archie say "don't joke about Jason Blossom" I put a hand on Jughead shoulder "what? Sardonic humor is my way of relating to the world" 

They both look down the hall and Jughead scoffs "look it's the rich kids from the goonies" as I look towards the football players chuck, moose, and Reggie and I catch chuck smirking at me and I roll my eyes locking arms with Jughead "alright I'm out y/n you coming?" I nod and follow behind then shortly Reggie  knocks Jughead on the shoulder "watch it Wednesday Adams !" I glare "how about you watch it freakshow" I pull Jughead with me walking outside "y/n I don't need you sticking up for me I got it!" Jughead storms off leaving me a bit furious then I storm back inside over to Betty and Kevin "no offense kev but guys are assholes" they nod along with me as they continue talking "anyways are we 100% sure Archie is straight because no straight man has that body" I laugh a bit but cover it with a cough "wow kev" I giggle not being able to hold it back "speaking of bodies have you recovered from finding Jason's?" Betty asks and I immediately stop giggling or laughing and look at Kevin "yeah kev are you alright?" He walks in front of us "it was more traumatizing having to explain to my dad  what I was doing with moose at the river. Yet another perk to being the Sherrie's son" he says as we walk into the office "what are we doing here?" I ask "oh I was called down I don't know why though" Betty says

"Oh my god those are gorgeous" Kevin says seeing a bouquet of flowers "are those for Betty Mrs. Philips?" The front desk lady takes her glasses off "that's why I called her" she says as Betty and I walk up smiling  and Kevin grabs the note "Dear Betty, please forgive me XOXO, V who the hell is V?" I roll my eyes "that would be" I start "Veronica" Betty and my sister say at the same time as Veronica steps inside the office with a box in her hands "is that..?" I trail off looking at the box pretty much drooling and she nods putting her attention on Betty "the yellow is for friendship I also had magnolia cupcakes flown in from New York because as our mom likes to say 'there's no wrong the right cupcake can't fix' Also I.. I've booked hers-and-hers mani-pedis at chez salon.. blowouts too I'm so so sorry Betty I don't know what happened to me that night it was such a basic bitch move." I looked at Veronica shocked "so you can do all this for a girl you barely know by the way no offense Betty" I say putting a hand on Betty's shoulder which receives a smile from her and I turn back to Veronica "but when you missed my birthday AND stole nick from me I didn't get SHIT" the front desk lady looks at me shocked by my language but stays quiet "wow V you're desperate to fix shit with someone else but not your own sister. Burn in hell V " I walk out angrily bumping her shoulder hoping I knocked her down or almost did as I walk to class as I sit down the principal speaks over the intercom

" good morning students this is your principal speaking, there have been many inquiries about the upcoming pep rally so let me state clearly it is happening as scheduled now on a less felicitous note, if you could give your attention to sheriff Keller" there's a pause as the sherif steps up  " most of you already know the details, but your classmate, Jason Blossom's body was found late Saturday night so as of the weekend, Jason's death is now being treated as a homicide. It is an open and ongoing investigation.-" it is silent in the class as Cheryl quickly interrupts the sheriff " and may I interject neither I nor my parents will rest until Jason's death is avenged, and his cold hearted killer is walking the green mile to sit in old sparky and fry I for one have my suspicions #RiverdaleStrong"  there's a moment of silence before the sheriff speaks again " if you know anything that could help us find an apprehend Jason's killer or anything about what happened to him on July 4th I strongly urge you to come forward immediately you can speak with me or principal weatherbee a death like this one's a song let's not let Jason down"  I excuse myself from class and I walk into the hallway finding Jughead and Archie talking

His girl next doorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora