Chapter 1 Arran

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I woke up with a start as something cold was poured over my head. I snapped up to see my older brother Gavin holding a now empty pitcher over my head. I groaned, rubbing my eyes. I must have fallen asleep at the tavern... Again. Not the greatest look for the Laird's younger brother, but I somehow always managed to come back here. I had become a regular at the tavern since my return to castle Wallace.

"Arran," Gavin scolded. I ran my hands through my now wet hair. I just stared at my brother. He had a scowl on his face. He clearly was not happy to find me here again. I just huffed and stood up, though my brother still had a good foot over me. I was well almost six foot. Both my brother and I were taller then most highlanders. And I was glad for it, it made things easier in fights.

"Brother, was the water necessary," I demanded. My clothes were now soaked through. I tugged at my shirt, trying to stop it from clinging to my chest. But it was no use.

"Aye, ye had both Davina and I worried. You did not return to the castle last night. Davina thought ye were murdered," Gavin replied. This made me only laugh. Davina was Gavin's wife and the lady of Clan Wallace. Our lives had changed forever when we discovered Davina half dead nearly a decade ago. After that day, I watched love grow between Gavin and Davina. Our lives changed once again, when our da was murdered by Davina's treacherous brother. There had been a part of me that blamed Davina for our father's death for the longest time. But in time I learned that the blame did not belong with her, but her brother. I left soon after my niece was born to live in Edinburgh with our Aunt Edith. My plan was to study medicine and become the clan's doctor. Yet I realized very soon that I enjoyed going to court more than attending university. So I spent much of my time at court instead. Where I made friends among the second sons and representatives of the families that went to court often. While there, I became rather known for bedding women. Much to the dismay of my aunt and Gavin. Who both tried to persaude me to return to my studies in medicine. A little over a year ago, Gavin sent word to me in Edinburgh. He needed help in running Clan Wallace. Davina had become busy raising their children, and running the household. Gavin wanted me to return home and help him. So I decided to return home for a time, until I felt the need to return to court. Upon returning, I realized that nothing had changed at Clan Wallace. Yet I had changed, I had grown up, I left when I was ten and six. Now I am five and twenty. I am a man now. A man that longed for something of his own. Yet I did not know what I wanted. I was still trying to figure it out. So I remained at Wallace Castle with my cavalier ways. Which included drinking at the tavern and bedding the women in the village.

"I did not mean to startle ye. I just needed some air and a drink Gavin. Tis normal for me to do such a thing. Davina should not worry about me. She should should be morried about ye," I quipped. When I returned to Wallace Castle, Gavin and I often fought about the best way to run the Clan. We always managed to find a solution often after hours of yelling at one another, but he could be very stubborn. He wanted to run things as da did. But the times were changing, and he had changed too. He did not like to change. Wallace men were not known for change. But I knew that there were better ways of running the Clan, running the household. Ways that could help his wife. Davina and I had become close since my return. Though I suspect it is because she wishes to find me a wife. I tried not to notice such things. As marriage was not something I thought about very often.

"Well no matter, the Lady Hamilton and her daughter are arriving this afternoon. I want everyone there to welcome them. That includes you Arran," he said. That name sounds familiar. We had many clans bordering our own. Gavin saw my curiosity.

"We met Hamilton's eldest son on a spring hunt a years ago," Gavin said. I remembered that hunt. It was one of the first hunts that da allowed me to go on as a lad. I also remember Callum Hamilton, though I heard he passed away a little over three years ago. They never said how he died, that he simply died one day. There were many rumors flying around the court around the time he passed. After that it was said Laird Hamilton became reclusive, both him and his family really ventured off their lands. Most of the time it was Hamilton's nephew Henry who attended court on behalf of his uncle. We had seen one another many times at court. We even fought over a lass once or twice. He was a good man though, always trying to do what was best for his clan. And his cousin who would inherit the clan when his uncle died.

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