13. Beach trip and deep talks

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The anticipation building up inside both girls was growing bigger as the clock nearly showed 4pm. Kaylee was enjoying a relaxing coffee with friends that she needed to catch up with since working on the new TV show was taking up most of her time, and Danielle was busy filming the last scene of the day but they were both looking forward to spending the afternoon together.

As usual, Danielle headed back to her room to change out of the school uniform and then just when she got out of her trailer she heard a car honking at her several times and pulling up at the front, while a familiar face was poking out of the window.

"Have you clocked out yet?"

"Yeah, just made it. I had to convince them we didn't need a 10th take on the fighting scene today and that I looked badass enough as it was." Danielle rambled on while entering the car.

"Oh, I'm looking forward to watching that. You do look badass in the show, by the way. Probably most out of everyone."

"I enjoy my character, it does get a bit much at times though. All these expectations."

"I know, babe. That's why we need to let it all out before it becomes too much to handle. Especially you.."

"So where are you taking me?

Kaylee started driving with a smile, while humming along to the quiet music playing from her car.

"Not far from here. Somewhere quiet, where we can finally chat by ourselves. It's been a minute."

"You're kidding right? It's been a week without seeing you, and I already miss you like hell."

"Aw, stop. I can't handle all this cuteness while I'm driving."

"Bare with it, bitch."

Kaylee laughed and tried to focus her attention on the road instead, within half an hour they had reached their destination which was the beach. Surprisingly, Danielle found the brunette had already prepared for their evening out as she had brough a big blanket for them to sit on and another one to use as a cover in case it got cold. She had also brought sushi for them, knowing that Danielle was into it.

"I'm seriously impressed."

"Don't worry about it, I had the day off so I had time to get everything ready. Plus, you deserve this as much as I do."

"You know I wouldn't trade this for the world."

Danielle smiled in content and helped the other girl carry some of the things towards the beach, and before she made her way on it she removed her shoes as she enjoyed the feeling of walking on the sand. Kaylee did the same, and after a few minutes of searching for the right spot they settled down on top of the blanket, watching the waves crash to the shore.

"This is as relaxing as it can get."

"How about some music?"

"Sure, I don't mind that."

"So how was your day? I hope my dad was back to his normal self."

"Ah, Mat is always a combination of ridiculous and offensive jokes that's just how he kills time and entertains himself. Filming is going well, but there is a given pressure about my performance. They always give me the most work, most lines, most rehearsals..for god's sake this is turning out to be harder than I thought."

"You seem to be forgetting the fact that you're practically one of the main and most loved characters on the TVD universe now and you have to live up to the expectations whether it's hard or not. And believe me it's hard for everyone."

"Is this one of your biggest roles too?"

"Yeah, but it has been okay thus far. I mean, I don't have to handle both school and work like you are. That sounds exhausting in a way.."

Danielle released a big sigh she was holding, it was nice to let it all out and talk with someone who fully understood the extent of her work and the complications that come with it.

"Kaylee, I know I'm speaking my mind here and you honestly don't have to put up with this at all but I'm incredibly thankful for taking us to the beach today."

"Oh, shut up- you know I love spending time with you, you're practically the person I'm closest with and I love getting to know you like this."

"Me too. I like how I can be honest around you. I don't have to pretend to be the strong and mysterious Hope Mikaelson."

"I second that."

Both of them laughed at the pun, and Kaylee shoved Danielle playfully. The girls had nearly forgotten about the food, as their deep conversations and the waves were a bit too distracting to even think about their hunger at this point however upon hearing Danielle's stomach grumble Kaylee thought it was the right time to dive into the sushi and offer it to the other girl too. Just like that their evening was becoming one of the most beautiful moments of their day.

 Just like that their evening was becoming one of the most beautiful moments of their day

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