9. Friends hang out

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After many takes, and the inevitable awkwardness now build up between the two actors Danielle finally was released for a short break, and made her way to the staff room which luckily was empty at the moment. She started preparing a tea for herself, as that was her typical way to get some caffeine in her system until Kaylee walked in the room.

"Oh, I thought you'd be filming that kissing scene..."

"Oh, heyy. We are finally done with that scene, done and over with to be honest.."

"Oh, that was fast..it looks like it wasn't the best time for you. I bet Aria enjoyed that." Kaylee walked in the kitchen casually and started boiling some water for her own tea. It looked like there was some tension in the air, as the brunette didn't elaborate too much with the conversation, like she usually did.

"I can tell for a fact he did. I can make you some tea if you'd like, while I'm doing mine?"

"Thanks, but I just drink it plain with water. It looks like you're doing a much more complicated version there."

"Yeah I kinda like my tea in a specific way but I swear it's worth trying it at least once."

"Nah, actually I'm good with mine. But thanks for offering anyway.." the brunette gave off a little smile.

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking are you alright? You seem a bit-"

"Everything's good. Why? What does it look like?" Kaylee almost panicked.

"You just seem off. And last night you practically blew me off at some point?"

"You were the one out on a date not me."

"Whoa whoa. Not a date. I was with Aria, we're getting to know each other to make our scenes a bit less awkward if that makes sense."

"Perfectly fine. I was just tired so I went to sleep, nothing to stress about."

"You always assume the worst of me."

"Nothing wrong with going on dates, you're damn fine Danielle Rose Russell. Who wouldn't want to date you anyway?"

"Um, you think I'm fine? Thanks I guess,complimenting your wife I see.."

Danielle almost snorted at the compliment, she wasn't the type of girl to just accept compliments about her appearance.

"Yeah? Don't put yourself down, you're absolutely stunning you and I both know that.."

"You know, completely off topic I was actually thinking.."

"Uh oh, Danielle thinking.." Kaylee interrupted and teased while sipping her tea slowly and the other girl glared at her playfully.

"Shut up. Listen. I was thinking since this is the first week and we are basically all still getting to know each other how about we invite everyone to our loft for a hang out thing?"

"Yeah, sounds good. Let's do it this weekend.


With some arrangements and conversations the crew found a common day they had off and they all gathered in the girl's loft, which had quite a spacious living room that catered for having multiple people over. They've put some music on and consumed wine and other beverages of their liking. The atmosphere was cozy and the crew went on with the usual teasing and uncontrollable laughing, especially when it came to Mat and Danielle.

"So I was very sad that the possum had died, and I decided to burry it. But it was winter and the ground was rocky and hard you know, so I had to melt the ground using a hair dryer --"

"You wanted to burry a fucking possum?" Danielle laughed her heart out.

"Yeah? It was all by itself, I couldn't just leave it there in the cold. And I was like 10 years old or something."

"So that's what you were up to in your younger days huh?"

"I'm still young, hello? That's totally mean."

"I'm not mean, shut up!"

"Oh yes you are. You've even been mean to me on set. Multiple occasions, actually."

"Uh, no? Explain yourself because I don't think you have your facts right."

"Like that one time you uploaded that picture of me without permission and I looked absolutely ridiculous.."

The auburn kept laughing and hit Mat on his chest playfully. The two of them were seated on the couch and chatted mostly with each other while Quincy chatted with Jenny and the two boys were discussing about sports. Kaylee was standing next to Quincy but was not listening actively to the conversation.

She was having her wine, along with starring at the most attractive woman, who also happend to be her roommate, and co worker, reality check there.

Kaylee couldn't keep her eyes off Danielle who was sitting with her legs crossed and was dressed specifically classy with a little hint of sexy that night.

"Hello? Earth calling Kaylee?"

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