Hello there stranger

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???? Pov
It's beautiful evening, sunset is so beautiful, and of course I'm still under the tree in the park. I was doing a lot of things. Some people think that it's nerd things but I don't think so. I was just painting, writing some letters to my friends and rights now I wanna watching stars. But before that I was doing one more thing. I was reading a book, my favourite one. The book was about love and fantasy creatures. And the atmosphere was really nice too. Boy, I really wish that I had a friend. Everyone just uses me and bullies me. And when I finally find a friend, it's always the same, they turn against me. That's why I love books, they can take me somewhere else. I was just relaxing, but then I saw the star. The beautiful, bright shooting star. .........Wait, that's not a shooting star....And it's falling right to me! Oh my, I need to hide! I ran from the the spot where I was. I was far but I still had a good view to where I was before. The "star" was brighter and brighter every second. I started to get really worried. I closed my eyes, and I was waiting, waiting for an explosion or something like that. But nothing happened. I just heard a thud and groan. Wait......a groan?! I quickly opened my eyes and then I saw someone laying in my blanket. I ran, I was curious who that was. I honestly don't know how that happened but, it was a child. No, an angle. She was wearing a.... black costume? Nevermind, well, I can see green hair coming out of the hood. And, I see the black wings too and a really bright and beautiful halo. Maybe, that's why it looked like a shooting star.
I picked up the kid and went home. It wasn't so far away.

Time skip
I was finally home, lucky ENFJ and INFJ weren't home yet. I went to the guest room and I gently put the kid on the bed. I took the hood and mask off and I saw her face. She had a mild hair cut. Plus messy and curly hair. Freckles were in her cheeks with a little scar in her forehead. She looked so young. Plus I noticed what was in her bag and it's insane! I decided to let her sleep, she deserves a rest.
When I was about to leave, I heard a soft voice.
ENFP: W-wait! Where am I?
????: Oh, I'm sorry if I woke you up, and you are in my house.
ENFP: No...you didn't wake me up. And who are you?
????: I'm INFP, I was outside when I saw you falling from the sky. Are you okay little one?
ENFP: Mhm, I'm okay!
INFP: That's good, and I'm sorry to ask but.....how old are you?....
ENFP: Ummmmm, it's hard to tell. I don't know if time in Heaven is counting the years but they just told me that I'm 8. So I think I'm 8 forever?
INFP: Oh my, you are really young.
ENFP: Yeah, but I'm fast too!
INFP: I believe in that. Heh.
INFP: Yes?
ENFP: Can I please have something to eat? I'm starting TwT.
INFP: Of course, I'm right back, don't worry.
I left the room and to the kitchen, I stopped on my track, cuz ENFJ and INFJ are already home. Since when?!
INFP: Hi dad, hi ENFJ.
INFJ: Hello INFP, so? How was it in the park?
INFP: It was good, and the stars were bright too!
ENFJ: That's good. Hey, are you hungry? He asked. I wasn't hungry, but ENFP was, and she is lucky, cuz I can act really good.
INFP: Yeah, I'm starting! Can I please have a sandwich with peanut butter and jelly?
ENFJ: Okay, I will make you  that, but are you going to eat that here or in your room?
INFP: In my room, if it's ok.
INFJ: it's ok, but please, don't make a mess ok?
INFP: Ok dad, bye and thank you so much brother!
ENFJ: Your welcome sis!
I quickly went to the guest room, I saw ENFP out of the bed and she was sitting on the ground.
INFP: I'm back, and I think you will love this snack.
ENFP: ooooooo, what's that?
INFP: Sandwich with peanut butter and jelly.
I said and placed the plate in front of her, she happily took a bite.
ENFP: Yummy, thank you INFP! She told me with a full mouth. I couldn't help but smile and giggle.
INFP: Your welcome mate.

Well, I finally had inspiration for writing this chapter, hope you like it guys.
Bye guys 👋👋

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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