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How are you people? Hope you're good . Anyway , hope you enjoy this chapter 👍👍


      Li-am's brain still seemed to have short circurted because here he  was on the ledge of Hyosan High during the middle of a zombie apocalypse and two guys were holding his hands that seemed to stir something unfamiliar inside him he couldn't quite explain.

            "Li-am?" Cheong-San's voice brought him back to reality , "are you sure you don't want to go back to the others. ,"  those usual eyes of Cheong-San was enough for the younger Choi twin to find his vocal cords.

             "I'm fine. I'll manage."

             "Are you sure ?" Suhyeok who was on his left asked matching Cheong-San's concern for Li-am as well , "you can go back."

            Li-am shook his head and looked at  both boys confidently - his temporary fear dissipating , "I'm good. Let's go find that phone."

              The two boys smiled at Li-am and it made him feel all warm and tingly ; was he seriously developing  feelings during the middle of this zombie infection madness. But who was he forming feelings for; Cheong-San or Suhyeok because Choi Li-am knew very well , he wasn't seeing the two boys the same way anymore (🥰🥰)

                    Throughout the whole time , Suhyeok and Cheong-San still had onto Li-am's hands protectively. The two may have been a little terrified being at such a height to get into the teacher's office that too with zombies crawling in and out the school - however if such a  perilous situation meant holding Li-am's hands they would relive it more and more.

              Cheong-San jumped into the teacher's office first and extended his hand to Li-am , "be careful."  The only twin in the trip carefully got inside and almost jumped when he felt some vibration from Cheong-San's hand.

                 Immediately Suhyeok got in , the three ducked behind some cabinet - people who were once their teachers had now been infected into zombies that were snarling and growling it made Li-am's stomach churn uncomfortably - it had been a while seeing a zombie up close , it made the danger feel all the more real , the infected who crawled outside didn't count.

                    "So what now?" Suhyeok asked and Li-am  nearly trembled  seeing the third generation chabeol was pressing right behind him and it only become more awkward since Cheong-San was in front leaving Choi Li-am in the middle of the two to be met with Cheong-San's back and Suhyeok's front .

                     He seriously felt the universe was taunting him in some way.

               They contuined to crawl on the scattered paper under them. Cheong-San turned to face the two  and whispered quietly ,  "we have to try and get a phone without getting their attention."

                      "That's going to be a problem."

               "Why?" Suhyeok and Cheong-San asked and Li-am pointed to a zombified girl who was shattering the phones around her one by one.

               "What the heck is she doing." Li-am cursed under his breath ,  they came this way to find a device that could help them and some crazy zombie girl smeared with dry blood  was smashing the phones with a brick.

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