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Jung-Seop exhaled a plume of cigarette smoke, watching the gray tendrils spiral into the air with a lazy contempt. "That's no fun," he drawled, his voice tinged with an unsettling blend of boredom and menace.

He squinted down at Hyun-Su, who was barely conscious, struggling to rise with labored breaths. Jung-Seop's gaze flickered with cruel curiosity. "Will he die if he falls from here? No, wait. Should I tear out his intestines? Or maybe just sever his head and keep it as a trophy?" His eyes gleamed with a twisted fascination.

"There's no need—"

"He's not human anyway," Jung-Seop snapped, his attention shifting sharply to Hyun-Su's agonized form. "Well, even if he is, it doesn't matter." He sneered as he watched Hyun-Su's futile attempts to regain his footing. "Look at him, struggling to cling to life." Jung-Seop cocked his gun with a deliberate, almost theatrical motion. His finger tightened slowly on the trigger.

The silence of the rooftop was shattered by a deafening gunshot. The report echoed off the walls, and Hyun-Su's body lurched violently before he crumpled to the ground. Crimson blood blossomed across his sweater as he lay there, gasping for breath. With grim determination, Hyun-Su managed to summon the last of his strength to slam the door shut, barricading the way downstairs.

"I won't let... any of you go downstairs." he rasped, his eyes blazing with defiance despite his evident pain.

"I see. You're pretty tough." he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "But you don't seem to get the picture here. I'll kill you slowly as many times as I want—"

Before he could finish, Ui Myeong's hand snaked around Jung-Seop's neck. With a brutal yank, he hoisted Jung-Seop off the ground, lifting him precariously close to the edge of the roof. Jung-Seop's eyes widened in panic, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"You've crossed the line this time, Jung-Seop," Ui Myeong said coldly. In one swift motion, he released his grip. Jung-Seop's body plummeted, slamming into a firetruck below with a sickening thud that reverberated through the air.

RETROUVAILLE,  Cha Hyun-suOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora