The Night before

7 1 0

I've never felt so antsy

I've never felt so restless

So manic Yet so at peace

It's this perfect balance of a high and soberness
That's leaving me calm yet breathless
knowing you're less than a block away
Is giving me sanity as much as my anxiety

I'll kiss away a full nights sleep
just so I'll kiss you tomorrow

day dream of you and me
Tonight the sunrise will be my only hope

For now I'll fight off feelings that linger
And I'll focus on how I can't wait
If everything goes right I'll take your fingers
holding them won't be used the only way

please promise me you'll be real
And my eyes won't play me tricks

your touch is all I need to feel I'm not going crazy thought of anything else makes me green and sick

Why can't it be here

I seriously need this to work or I don't now
What I'll do

I cannot stand this wait

Tell me when the sun shows again

That's when I'll see you again

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