
11 2 1

you're behind the door as I walk down the path
I Can feel your eyes through the window
Buy that could Just be the schizophrenia talkin

The path makes me let go of tears
Being away from you make my wrists burn with need suddenly
Of course, I blame it on the BPD

Why can't we run away already?
I know we aren't prepared but honey
I just, wanna be fucking happy

Cause I missed the way you held my hand
And I love the way you say my name
But then I guess
days like these always end

What if I asked that question?
The one I meant on the phone last night?
I wonder if it would've been
You ask when I wake If I dream
I always do but I say I'd Didn't
Cause all my dreams consist of you

You're on my poet paper
You're on my poet mind
I belong on your guitar strings
Cause you can't seem to leave me behind

But it seems we witched our places?
you make me hopeful while it seems I make you hopeless
but I just wanna be fuckin happy

These small monroe streets feel empty
Although I feel as if I'm being watched
but that's just, the paranoia talking

I lay in this Cambridge home
I vomit out my feelings
and I could blame that on the booze

But I can never blame it on you.

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