Chapter 13 : The Noodles, The Offer And The Payment

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“So I guess… I can only come this far…” - Himeko said as she relied on her greatsword to help her stand. In front of her stood the Herrscher of Flamescion, who had bested her in combat. “Kiana… Don’t forget what I have taught you…”

“Nah aunt don’t worry I’ll be fine no need to be dramatic and create another Never Let You Go moment.” - Kiana said.


“Stop you’re traumatizing the readers.”

Most of the Valkyries have fallen, except for the Immortal Blades who have been observing from the beginning outside and chilling with some popcorn, they aren’t getting into this shite, in fact this wasn’t their mission to begin with.

The other couple making a farewell is Elysia and Mei.

“Ah…. Mei has grown to be so strong now, even Miss Pink Elf couldn’t defeat her~” - Elysia pretended to be defeated and lay on the ground, but she just kinda threw the whole fight to Mei’s favor. “If only I could harass her horns in a sexually way as a farewell gift-”


Bronya… oh yeah Bronya has no one close to her to say farewell to. (Seele is still at the Entropy for some reason in this fic).

Oh yeah speaking of the Entropy, where the fuck are the-

At Welt’s place.

“OH GOD THEY ARE EATING OUR MACHINES MY LORD.” - One of the engineers yelled as the Honkai beasts swarmed up against the mighty Titans and started to devour it.


Back to Hyperion’s crew.

“We’re going then.” - Kiana, Mei and Bronya stepped on the transport ship, beginning their mission to rescue their beloved Captain of Hyperion.

The ship took off, with the others standing down below, regretting that they couldn’t join the operation, but they had to trust the chosen 3 and waved at them as the ship left.

“Well then… What are we going to do while waiting now?” - Himeko asked the others, seem like they don’t have any idea either.

“Well how about resume our mission to Kolo-” - Durandal suggested but was cut off by another Valkyrie’s suggestion.

The other Valkyrie suggested “Let’s go grab some breakfast, am hungry.”

“Yeah we too.”

“Alright, I know a fine place that sells noodles around here, let’s go girls, my treat.”


The Immortals Blades : ….

Otto, who could use a hand or two in Kolosten right fucking now : … why y'all hatin’ me

To the Moon, which will take 8 hours for the trio to arrive.

A void portal opened in a cave, dropped the looted crates from World Serpent’s ships down, as well as dropping the kidnapped Captain afterwards, then the Void Queen herself stepped out from the portal, resting on a plastic chair.

“I’m tired.” - She crossed her legs and rested her cheek on her hand, while staring at you, who is… Just there like a plushie she just found randomly on the way back. “...”

“...” - You just sit there, and doing nothing.


“... Uhhh… Why am I here for?” - You asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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