Chapter 3 : The Queen of the Void, and The Crusaders

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Royal Blades, originally a mercenary group hailed from the land of Britain, they have a long history of joining many wars that took part in Europe. They were known for their cruelty on the battlefield, although they were weak in numbers, their equipment was strong, and their fighting style inspired horror into their opponents. They even go as far as burning the corpses of the enemies after a battle ends to make sure there are no survivors.

After the second world war, their leader was killed and replaced by Ravenblood, who was sent to take control of this group by Schicksal. Although proven useful and effective in war against both humans and Honkai, Otto Apocalypse still despises Ravenblood and the Royal Blades, because Ravenblood himself sometimes orders his men to kill civilians who might have been exposed to the Honkai Infection.

Not only that, the Royal Blades would often have conflicts with other units of Schicksal when they try to protect the civilians, many Valkyries and equipment have been broken by them.

To get things short, Ravenblood and his legion would be the only one you don't wanna see on the battlefield, while Marika is the exact opposite of that.

Schicksal's HQ.

In the Overseer's office. Otto has already put his cock to sleep, and now he is waiting for Ravenblood. The master of that lunatic legion is always late. But Otto could not refuse his request to meet him.

Because he might just run off to somewhere without control and... yeah.

"My glorious overseer... I, Ravenblood have returned from another mission you had given to me." - Ravenblood stepped into the office, and as always, there's some dark aura around him, with the smell of blood... "I tried my best not to kill the innocents... But the hive was found in a house, who knows if they could have been..."

"This is probably the 1000th time I've told you that we could cure Honkai infection, if we still have time and the exposure is not serious." - Otto stood up and slammed his hand on the desk, which made Ravenblood kneeled down.

"My apologies, my lord. But I could not risk letting my men be exposed to Honkai infection, the damage to our legion will surely damage Schicksal's power as well."

As much as Otto wants to argue with him, is how much sense Ravenblood is making. Although he despises the Royal Blades, they are still the blade of Schicksal for now, only second to Valkyries.

"Fine. But in return, your men and you will be punished in the near future. Now, what is the problem this time, that you are required to meet me?" - Otto asked him as he sat down.

Ravenblood stood up and took out a video tape from his pocket.

"We have interrogated one of the Honkai cultists that we have caught... He died due to blood loss but we had useful information from him." - Ravenblood said as he put the tape on the desk.


"It is no normal info, my lord. You should see it by yourself."

"Very well, Ravenblood. Still, the punishment will come soon, now get out of my sight, you'll be tasked to a new mission soon." - Otto said.

"Roger." - Ravenblood turned around, but before he did completely, he turned back to Otto and asked : "... I heard Hyperion is looking for a new Captain, if they want, they can always join the Royal Blades-"

Ravenblood noticed Y/n's files on Otto's desk, he grabbed the file ruthlessly and read it.

"Sorry but we have already chosen another person for that position, and he has proven quite effective with his duty on his first day, I guess you won't need to be worried about that for now, Ravenblood."

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