"Lin thought it was a good idea to go roller skating without protection, a mistake she won't make again, right nong?" The little girl shakes her head solemnly. "Ree is here for tests, she's been having tummy problems. Lin will have to be sure to visit Ree right?" Both girls nod at this.

"What will it be today? I have a lot of books and games for you girls." Rain says.

"Do the balloon." Ree says, "Please, P'Rain, do the balloon."

"Oh, are you sure you wouldn't rather just have a doll today?" Rain teases.

"Balloon, please, please." Ree says and Rain smiles.

"Okay then," he says, pulling out a medical glove. He takes a deep breath and breathes into the glove until it puffs up like a balloon. Both girls clap at this and Rain ties off the wrist with a piece of string. He then takes out a magic marker and draws a happy face on the "balloon" handing it over to Ree. He then makes a second one and hands it to Lin. He lets them pick out a few books and toys before wishing them well and moving on to the next room.

This room contains a single bed with a boy around 12 staring solemnly at the ceiling. The boy is covered with cuts and bruises.

"Hello, Athrid, feeling better today?" Rain says gently. He doesn't use the jovial tone he used with the girls, this is more of a comforting tone.

The boy shrugs and continues to stare at the ceiling. Rain sits down on the edge of the bed and takes a book out of the cart. "Would you like me to continue the story?"

The boy nods at this. Rain begins to read and the boy closes his eyes just letting himself get lost in the story. Rain has read two chapters when a nurse comes in and says, "Oh, Rain, I am glad you are here. I need to change Athrid's bandages, do you mind continuing to read to him while I do that?"

"Of course not, I will be happy to." Rain says, smiling. He continues to read while the nurse checks and changes the boy's bandages. The boy seems totally lost in the story.

Once the nurse is done, Rain says, "I need to go now, but I have something for you." He pulls out a soft looking large teddy bear from the bottom of the cart. "My friend here is a little lonely, I wonder if you would mind keeping him company?" The boy nods solemnly and takes the bear, hugging it to him. In normal circumstances Phayu thinks a boy this age would refuse the toy as being something for babies but this boy seems a little lost and finds the toy comforting.

"Thank you, Athrid. Feel better okay?" Rain says rubbing a hand over the boy's hair.

Once they are in the corridor Rain whispers, "There was a car accident. Poor boy lost his mother. His family is usually here with him. Unfortunately, this weekend is the funeral and the entire family is there today. It's been a bad time for both the boy and his family."

In the next room, there is a little boy of around three screaming and thrashing around in a full blown temper tantrum mode while a nurse looks on helplessly.

Rain holds his hands over his bunny ears dramatically and says, "What a noise, nong Chit, my poor bunny ears are going to bleed." Rain gives a look like he might start crying as well.

The boy stops and stares at Rain with a tear streaked face. "P'Rain, Chit is sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your ears. I don't want a shot though, no shots." The little boy sniffs.

"The shot will make it so you don't get sick though," Rain says.

"They hurt," Chit argues.

"I tell you what nong, I have a friend here in the cart just for you if you are a good boy and will take your shot." Rain says. He pulls out a little octopus that changes from happy to mad by turning it inside out. Chit giggles and reaches for the toy.

Love is a game (Love in the air collection)Where stories live. Discover now